- Antbase: a good resource for taxonomic information and literature pertaining to ants.
- Antkey: Antkey is a community resource for the identification of invasive, introduced and commonly intercepted ant species from across the globe. Authored by the same team as PIAkey, Antkey is the place to go if you have an ant specimen from somewhere other than the areas covered by PIAkey. Antkey includes an interactive key, species pages, checklists, images, maps, images, and more.
- Antweb: hosted by the California Academy of Sciences, Antweb is the most comprehensive website for specimen images. The website also allows users to locate where specimens were collected using Google Earth. This is an excellent resource for confirming id's made in PIAkey with other specimen images and type specimen images.
- Australian Ants Online (Antwiki): provides keys to the ant genera of Australia, and also includes useful sections on classification, identification, glossary of terms, collecting methods, specimen preparation and general ant biology.
- Emergency Response Plan for Invasive Ants in the Pacific: A detailed document explaining how to set up a system for rapidly responding to an invasive ant incursion. Includes setions on standardized surveillance protocols, collection & identification of ant specimens, supplier details for chemicals suitable for exotic ant control, and management techniques.
- Global Invasive Species Database: information about the ecology, distribution, impacts, management, references, links and contacts for invasive species. The website contains a number of the species included in PIAkey.
- Japanese Ant Image Database: useful site that includes images and identification resources for many of the species included in PIAkey.
- Landcare Research New Zealand ant page: good resource for invasive ants in general, and those affecting New Zealand in particular.
- Myrmecos: a large and growing collection of live insect photographs taken by Alex Wild, with a special emphasis on ants. The website contains many images of species that appear in PIAkey, and it is an excellent resource for observing how the species appear in the field.