PIAKey. The Pacific Invasive Ant Key (PIAkey) is an illustrated identification guide to invasive ant species commonly encountered in the Pacific Island region.

To learn more about the purpose, scope and features of PIAkey, start with the overview section. For assistance with your species identification, click one of the other available PIAkey features.
Describes the purpose, taxonomic  scope, geographic scope & features of the PIAkey (Pacific Invasive Ant Key).  A good place to start!
The species key is designed using Lucid3 software & requires Javascript.  See the overview section to learn more about  how to best use the key.
Lists fact sheets for all species included in PIAkey.  Fact sheets  contain overviews, diagnostic features, comparison charts, images, nomenclature & more.
Links to additional internet resources for ant  biology, identification, collection, curation, surveillance & management.
Launches an illustrated glossary of morphological terms used for ant identification in PIAkey.