APPW key feature pages

Plant structures for spreading vegetatively

The state "none of the above" indicates that the vegetativevegetative:
(adj) (1) pertaining to or to the growth of plant organs or plant parts that have nonreproductive functions, such as leaves, roots, stems, etc.; (2) concering non sexual propagules such as tubers, turions, stem fragments, root crowns, rhizomes
structures below do not occur in a particular genus; you should not use this state merely if your specimen does not happen to have a vegetativevegetative:
(adj) (1) pertaining to or to the growth of plant organs or plant parts that have nonreproductive functions, such as leaves, roots, stems, etc.; (2) concering non sexual propagules such as tubers, turions, stem fragments, root crowns, rhizomes
structure on it. To choose the last state, you must be very certain.

Plantlets (often arising from bulbils) may occur on leaves, bulbs, or inflorescences, etc. See the feature Plantlets or bulbils, how produced.

rhizome or stolon
underground bulbs, corms, or tubers
plantlets or bulbils

none apparent

APPW key feature pages