APPW key feature pages

Fusion of petals, tepals, or perianth segments

This feature covers fusion of petals or the most petal-like segments. The state "all segments free (distinct)" includes segments that are fused only at the very base. The "segments fused" state includes a range of types of fusion. Flowers with fused segments may form a distinct tube or cup, or tubes may be split down the side, or have some segments fused and some not. Additionally, lobes may be longer or shorter than the tube, narrow to broad, and tubes may be tubulartubular:
(adj) (of a corolla, perianth, calyx tube or other structure) (1) tube-shaped; cylindrical: narrow and elongate with more or less straight sides; (2) having segments fused into a tube (of any shape)
to bell-shaped to plate-like.

segments fused (or indistinct)
all segments free (distinct)
APPW key feature pages