APPW key feature pages

Duckweed (Lemnaceae) frond shape

Lemnaceae are free-floating, reduced plants that are the smallest of seed plants. The plant body can be called a thallusthallus:
(n) a photosynthetic plant body that is not (or apparently not) differentiated into stems, roots, and leaves
or frondfrond:
(n) (1) a term used to describe the leaves of, e.g., ferns, palms, or duckweeds; (2) a leaf-like organ (as in .e.g. some algae, such as Caulerpa)
; stem and leaf cannot be differentiated. The frondfrond:
(n) (1) a term used to describe the leaves of, e.g., ferns, palms, or duckweeds; (2) a leaf-like organ (as in .e.g. some algae, such as Caulerpa)
is of various shapes.

globose to ellipsoid
tridentoid, 'tailed'
APPW key feature pages