About this tool

Copyright notice

The content on this site was created by the USDA APHIS Identification Technology Program (ITP) in collaboration with North Carolina State University (first edition) and the California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA). This content is in the public domain except where otherwise indicated. However, we ask that appropriate acknowledgmeent be given to the authors, USDA APHIS ITP, or CDFA if information or images from Aquarium and Pond Plants of the World are used elsewhere.

Many of the photographs in this tool were produced by Shaun L. Winterton and some original drawings were created by Heather Hartzog (USDA APHIS PPQ S&T;), Shaun Winterton, and Julia Scher. Except for some photographs taken by Shaun Winterton, these photographs and drawings are in the public domain and may be used with acknowledgement. All other digital images in this tool were produced by others. The photographers, organizations and/or businesses who gave permission to use their images are credited in the image captions. Many are protected by copyright.

To use a copyrighted image (including some of Shaun Winterton's), you must seek permission from the copyright-holder. Contact Julia Scher (Julia.L.Scher@aphis.usda.gov) if you need assistance identifying or locating the copyright owner or to check on the copyright status of a particular image.

Suggested citation

Winterton, S.L., Scher, J.L., Burnett, J., and Redford, A.J. 2018. Aquarium and Pond Plants of the World, Edition 3. USDA APHIS Identification Technology Program (ITP) and California Department of Food and Agriculture. Sacramento, CA. [date of access]

Suggested image credit for author's images in the public domain

S.L. Winterton, Aquarium and Pond Plants of the World, Edition 3, CDFA and USDA APHIS ITP

Home page images, from left to right

  • Blyxa sp., by S.L. Winterton, CDFA
  • Nymphoides indica, by S.L. Winterton, CDFA
  • Actinoscirpus grossus, © Wibowo Djatmiko, wikimedia.org
  • Selaginella sp., by S.L. Winterton, CDFA
  • Tradescantia zebrina, by S.L. Winterton, CDFA


While the authors have made every effort to provide accurate information in Aquarium and Pond Plants of the World, Edition 3, the authors, CDFA, and USDA APHIS ITP specifically disclaim all legal liability with respect to the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information contained in this tool. The authors and associated institutions shall assume no legal liability for any damages, including direct, indirect, consequential, compensatory, special, punitive, or incidental damages arising from or relating to the use of Aquarium and Pond Plants of the World, Edition 3 or the information and materials provided by or linked from Aquarium and Pond Plants of the World, Edition 3.

The findings and conclusions in this website have not been formally disseminated by the U.S. Department of Agriculture and should not be construed to represent any agency determination or policy.

Some web pages in this tool provide links to external sites for the convenience of users. The authors, CDFA, and USDA APHIS ITP are not responsible for the availability of or content on these external sites, nor do the authors, CDFA, and USDA APHIS ITP endorse or warrant the products, services, or information described or offered by these other websites.