About this tool
Author and contributors
Author: Jodi White-McLean (Department of Entomology and Nematology, University of Florida)
Editors and advisors: John Capinera (Department of Entomology and Nematology, University of Florida) and John Slapcinsky (Florida Museum of Natural History, University of Florida)
Website development: Matthew D. Trice (Colorado StateState:
The basic component or distinct phase of a Lucid feature or character that can be observed, measured, or otherwise assessed.
University) and Amanda Redford (USDA APHIS PPQ S&T Identification Technology Program)
Original illustrations and photography: Kay Weigel and Lyle Buss (Department of Entomology and Nematology, University of Florida)
For questions about website access or functionality, please contact ITP (itp@usda.gov).
Terrestrial Mollusk Tool was developed and published by the USDA APHIS PPQ S&T Identification Technology Program (ITP) through a cooperative agreement with the University of Florida (UF), Entomology and Nematology department. Funding was provided by USDA-APHIS-PPQ through the FY2009-10 Farm Bill.
US Department of Agriculture Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service’s Plant Protection and Quarantine division (USDA-APHIS-PPQ) and the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (FDACS) - Division of Plant Industry generously provided access to their port of entry interception data for the compilation of the list of species included in this tool.
Technical and logistical support was provided by Amanda Redford (USDA APHIS PPQ S&T) and Terrence Walters (USDA APHIS PPQ S&T). The author wishes to express sincere gratitude to you all for your time and effort. Without your support and involvement this tool would not have been a success.
The author gratefully acknowledges Matthew Trice (Colorado StateState:
The basic component or distinct phase of a Lucid feature or character that can be observed, measured, or otherwise assessed.
University) whose technical expertise is reflected in the design, construction, and functionality of the original Terrestrial Mollusk Tool website. His efforts were crucial to the completion of this project.
IT support: Matthew Trice (Colorado StateState:
The basic component or distinct phase of a Lucid feature or character that can be observed, measured, or otherwise assessed.
University), Amanda Redford (USDA APHIS PPQ S&T) and Steve Lasley (U.F.).
Editors and advisors: John Capinera and John Slapcinsky. The author would like to acknowledge and extend profound gratitude to John Capinera and John Slapcnsky for their immense contributions towards the successful completion of this project. Their useful comments, suggestions, guidance and training were vital to the production of this tool.
The specimens used in the creation of the Terrestrial Mollusk Tool were made available through the Florida Museum of Natural History, UF, thanks to John Slapcinsky (Collections Manager) and Gustav Paulay (Curator).
Expert reviewers: Angela Fields, Aydin Örstan, Frederick Zimmerman, James Korecki, Jochen Gerber, John Slapcinsky, Kevin Roe, and Rory McDonnell.
Non-expert reviewers: Amanda Hodges, Catherine Mannion, and John Capinera.
The author would like to acknowledge the following beta testers for their helpful suggestion and comments to improve the utility of the pictorial key: Amanda Bemis (Florida Museum of Natural History), Lyle Buss (University of Florida), and Stephen McLean (University of Florida).
The author would like to thank Suzete Rodrigues Gomes for providing valuable assistance with the nomenclature and systematics of the family Veronicellidae.
Dissection tutorials: The snail and slugSlug:
A snail that either does not possess a shell or has one that is very reduced (no definite coiling) or internal.
dissections were executed by Jodi White-McLean and photographed by Lyle Buss, Entomology and Nematology department, University of Florida.
Drawings and illustrations: All original drawings and illustrations and those adapted from original works were produced by Kay Weigel, University of Florida, unless otherwise noted.
The following individuals and organizations generously provided the photographs included in the entire Terrestrial Mollusk Tool:
Amy Benson, Andrew Butko, Anneli Salo, Asturnut, Aung, Bernd Haynold, Beth Kinsey, Bill Frank, Bon Terra Consulting, BotheredByBees, Brian Sullivan, Charles Olsen, Christopher Thomas, David Medcalf, David Robinson, Dfruzzetti, Dilian Georgiev, F. Vincentz, Father Alejandro Sánchez Muños, Francisco Welter Schultes, Frank Peairs, Fritz Geller-Grimm, Fvlamoen, Gary Rosenberg, Gerry Ellis, Grasso, Guillaume Brocker, Hans Hillewaert, H. Svensson, H. Zell, Harry G. Lee, J. Holmér, J.M. Garg, James K. Lindsey, Jan Meerman, Jeffrey W. Lotz, Jelger Herder, Jeremy Lee, Jessica Rosillo, Jirí Novák, Jodi White-McLean, John Slapcinsky, Jose Maria Hernandez Otero, Joseph Berger, Colae, Katrin-die-Räuberbraut, Kay Weigel, Kjetil Lenes, Kristiina Ovaska, Lars Peters, L. Ruiz Berti, L. Shyamal, L. Tanner, Lansdown Guilding, Linda Schroeder, Lokilech, Luboš Kolouch, Lucie Juricková, Lyle Buss, Markku Kitunen, M. Knight, Maaike Pouwels, Magne Flåten, Mark Hitchcox, Masaki Hoso, Max0rz, Michael Becker, Michal Manas, Microphile, N. Yotarou, Natasha Wright, Olivier Gargominy, P. Morris, Parshanthns, Paulo, Phil Bendle, Phil Poland, Ranko, Rasbak, Ray Hamblett, Rex, Richard Fox, Robert Forsyth, Robert Pilla, Robert Reisman, Roberta Zimmerman, Roger Key, Rory McDonnell, Roy Anderson, S. Bauer, Sam Fraser-Smith, Sanjay 565658, Sergey Leonov, Susan Prince, Suzete Rodrigues Gomes, T. Beth Kinsey, T. Grasso, J T. Mäki, Thomas Schoch, Tom Meijer, Vladimír Motycka, Vmenko, W. Siegmund, WackoJackO, William Leonard, Yuvalif, Zwentibold, www.PetSnails.co.uk, www.wildaboutbritain.co.uk
To all,
Thank you.