Zachrysia spp.
Zachrysia provisoria. (Photo: © Father A.J. Sanchez Munoz, Father Sanchez's Website of West Indian Natural History) |
Zachrysia provisoria. (Photo: © Father A.J. Sanchez Munoz, Father Sanchez's Website of West Indian Natural History) |
Zachrysia provisoria. (Photo: © B. Frank, Jacksonville) |
Zachrysia provisoria. (Photo: © B. Frank, Jacksonville) |
Bradybaena similaris (snail on the left). Zachrysia provisoria (snail on the right). (Photo: © L. Buss, University of Florida) |
Zachrysia provisoria (snail in the foreground). (Photo: © L. Buss, University of Florida) |
Zachrysia provisoria. (Photo: © L. Buss, University of Florida) |
Zachrysia provisoria. (Photo: © L. Buss, University of Florida) |
Zachrysia provisoria. (Photo: © L. Buss, University of Florida) |
Zachrysia provisoria: note long flagellum on penis. (Photo: © H.A. Pilsbry, modified by K. Weigel, University of Florida) |
Zachrysia trinitaria: note short flagellum on penis. (Photo: © H.A. Pilsbry, modified by K. Weigel, University of Florida) |
Zachrysia provisoria (Pfeiffer, 1858)
Z. trinitaria (Pfeiffer, 1858)
Common name
Cuban land snails
Zachrysia provisoria: Garden zachrysia
Z. trinitaria: Trinidad zachrysia
Zachrysia provisoria: This snail can attain a heightHeight:
The height of the shell is a measure of the distance between the apex and the most basal part of the shell OR the measurement taken from the apex of the shell to the base, when measured parallel to the axis of the shell.
of approximately 20 mm and a maximum widthWidth:
The width of the shell is the maximum distance across the shell (including the aperture).
of 32 mm, with 4-5 rapidly expanding whorlsWhorls:
Pleural of whorl. A whorl is a complete spiral turn/growth of the shell of a mollusc. The whorls are counted from the apex outwards.
. This animal's shellShell:
A hard, inflexible, calcareous or chitinous structure that vary in size and may either completely encasing the animal, covering some part of it or be internal.
is generally globoseGlobose:
Shell shape: to be roughly spherical or globular in shape.
in shape. The initial whorlsWhorls:
Pleural of whorl. A whorl is a complete spiral turn/growth of the shell of a mollusc. The whorls are counted from the apex outwards.
have an orange color, while the body whorlBody whorl:
The large, final coil (most recently formed) of a mollusc shell that contains the body of the snail, i.e. from the aperture to approximately one whorl back.
is tan with dark blotches and arborealArboreal:
Of or relating to trees OR Tree-dwelling or frequenting trees.
Z. trinitaria: This species is larger than Z. provisoria and the shellShell:
A hard, inflexible, calcareous or chitinous structure that vary in size and may either completely encasing the animal, covering some part of it or be internal.
will measure up to 45 mm.
Both species are similar in appearance; however, they can be easily distinguished by their genitaliaGenitalia:
The reproductive structures of an animal. May refer to either male or female structure.
Zachrysia provisoria: long flagellum on penis.
Z. trinitaria: short flagellum on penis.
Native range
Greater and Lesser Antilles
North America:
- U.S.: Florida (Not Z. trinitaria)
Central America: Guatemala
Caribbean: Cuba, Puerto Rico, Barbados, Saint Croix, Jamaica, Mustique, Nevis, Bahamas, Virgin Islands, Costa Rica, Haiti, Dominican Republic
Zachrysia species generally are pests wherever they become established. Z. provisoria has been noted to be a serious pest of ornamental plants in Florida.
Zachrysia provisoria:
- Helix provisoria Pfeiffer, Malak Bl. V, 1858, p39 (Manzanillo, Cuato and Guisa); Monogr. Hel. Viv. V, 1868, p. 288. Arango, Contrib., p. 72.
- Helix appendiculata Gundlach, M.S. list, 1858, Pfeiffer, Monogr. V, p. 288, as synonym of H. provisoria; not otherwise defined.
- H. auricoma... les individus envoyes de Cabo Cruz, Poey, Memorias II, p. 50, 67, pl. 6, fig. 9 (genitalia).
Z. trinitaria:
- Helix bayamensis Pfr., Malak. Blatter IV, 1857, p. 103 (desription of living animal).
- Helix trinitaria Gundlach, Pfeiffer, Malak. Blatter V, 1858, p.176, footnote.
Auffenberg and Stange 1993; Cowie et al. 2009; Pilsbry 1928; Robinson and Fields 2004; Rosenberg and Muratov 2006