Pupisoma dioscoricola
Pupisoma dioscoricola (Adams, 1845)
Common name
Yam babybody
The small, subglobose shellShell:
A hard, inflexible, calcareous or chitinous structure that vary in size and may either completely encasing the animal, covering some part of it or be internal.
of this species is approximately 1.95 mm high and 1.8 mm wide with 2.5-3.25 whorlsWhorls:
Pleural of whorl. A whorl is a complete spiral turn/growth of the shell of a mollusc. The whorls are counted from the apex outwards.
. The upper whorlsWhorls:
Pleural of whorl. A whorl is a complete spiral turn/growth of the shell of a mollusc. The whorls are counted from the apex outwards.
are granulated. The cinnamon-colored shellShell:
A hard, inflexible, calcareous or chitinous structure that vary in size and may either completely encasing the animal, covering some part of it or be internal.
is thin, slightly translucentTranslucent:
Allows light to pass through but prevents the ability to see distinct objects.
, smooth and glossy. This species can be separated from other species in this genus by the presence of distinct spiralSpiral:
Directional term: direction of the coils of the whorls of a shell; opposite of axial.
striations on the shellShell:
A hard, inflexible, calcareous or chitinous structure that vary in size and may either completely encasing the animal, covering some part of it or be internal.
and the first couple of whorlsWhorls:
Pleural of whorl. A whorl is a complete spiral turn/growth of the shell of a mollusc. The whorls are counted from the apex outwards.
are large.
Native range
North America:
- U.S.: Florida, Texas
South and Central America
Pacific Islands: Galapagos Islands
Caribbean: Cuba, Jamaica, Haiti, Trinidad
- Helix dioscoricola Adams, 1845. Proc. Boston Soc. N. H., ii. p. 16
- Helix punctum Morelet, 1851. Von Martens, Biol. Centr. Amer., Moll., p. 131, pl. 7, f. 3-3b
- H. caeca Guppy, 1868. Proc. Sci. Asso. Trinidad, p. 241.; Amer. Journal. Conch., vi, p. 307
- Microphysa dioscoricola Binney, 1890
- Pupisoma americanum Moellendorff, 1899
- Pupisoma dioscoricola insigne Pilsbry, 1920
- Pupisoma puella Hylton Scott, 1960
- Helix dioscoricola Pfriffer, 1848
- Helix (Conulus) dioscoricola Tryton, 1886
- Thysanophora dioscoricola Pilsbry, 1894
- Pupisoma dioscoricola Pilsbry, 1920
- Pupisoma (Ptychopatula) dioscoriicola Haas 1937
- Ptychopatula dioscoricola Paul and Donovan, 2005
- Helix punctum Fischer and Crosse, 1872
- Helix (Microconus) punctum Tryon, 1887
- Thysanophora punctum Pilsbry 1894
- Helix caeca Dall 1889
- Helix (Acanthinula) caeca Tryon 1887
- Patula (Ptychopatula) caeca Pilsbry, 1889
- Thysanophora dioscoricola caeca Rhoads, 1899
- Pupisoma dioscoricola insigne Baker, 1925
- Ptychopatula dioscoricola insigne Tillier, 1980
- Pupisoma puella Quintana, 1982
- Pupisoma (subgenus?) minus Hass, 1960
- Pupisoma minus Oliveira and Almeida, 1999
Abbott 1989; Anderson 2005; Hausdorf 2007; Kantor et al. 2009; Pilsbry 1920; Rosenberg and Muratov 2006