Deroceras agreste
Deroceras agreste. (Photo: © Dr. Roy Anderson, MolluscIreland) |
Deroceras agreste. (Photo: © Dr. Roy Anderson, MolluscIreland) |
Deroceras agreste: genitalia. (Photo: © M. Horsak et al., Wikipedia) |
Deroceras agreste (Linnaeus, 1758)
Common name
Field slugSlug:
A snail that either does not possess a shell or has one that is very reduced (no definite coiling) or internal.
, Grey field slugSlug:
A snail that either does not possess a shell or has one that is very reduced (no definite coiling) or internal.
, Milky slug
This slugSlug:
A snail that either does not possess a shell or has one that is very reduced (no definite coiling) or internal.
attains a maximum length of 50 mm when fully extended. It is pale brown to tan in color and does not have any conspicuous body markings. The headHead:
The area of a mollusc's body that has the tentacles, eyes and mouth.
and tentaclesTentacles:
Sensory projections on the head end of a mollusc. There are generally two pairs; upper (posterior) and smaller, lower (anterior). The upper pair bears the eyes. In many snails the eyes are located at the tips of this structure; however, in Basommatophoran snail species, the eyes are located at the base of the tentacles.
are dark-brown. The tuberclesTubercles:
An enlarged or raised region on the body of a slug. The shape of this structure is very variable. (See also tubercle)
of this species are not prominent. The sole is white and normally produces clear mucus, however the sole will produce milky white mucus when the animal is disturbed. In order to confirm the identity of this species, dissection and observation of the genitaliaGenitalia:
The reproductive structures of an animal. May refer to either male or female structure.
are required.
Deroceras agreste. The penis (p) of this species is broad with only a single appendix.
Deroceras caucasicum: The penis is broad and has two appendixes at the tip with the vas deferens emerges between them. The posteriorPosterior:
Directional term: the rear or tail end of an animal.
edge of the penis is pigmented (dark-colored) and there is a hard "clam-shaped" shell-like plate inside the penis.
Deroceras laeve: The penis of this species is long, narrow and mostly twisted, with only a single appendix. It should be noted that a penis may be absent in some specimens.
Deroceras panormitanum: The penis in the species is broad and markedly bilobed with 4-6 appendixes.
Deroceras reticulatum: The penis (p) in the species is broad with only a single, irregularly branched appendix.
Native range
Western Palaearctic
Europe: North and Central including Scandinavia and Russia
Habitats of this species include moist, natural and lightly disturbed grassy areas. It has also been noted to tolerate marshy habitats. This species has been reported as a common pest of agricultural crops (e.g., lettuce), seedlings and wild flowers. It also consumes dead vegetation, therefore allowing it to survive periods of fallow. It typically lives for a year. Upon maturity it will lay eggs approximately 10 days after mating. The incubation period of this slugSlug:
A snail that either does not possess a shell or has one that is very reduced (no definite coiling) or internal.
is about 3 weeks.
- Limax agrestis Linnaeus, 1758
- Agriolimax agrestis (Linnaeus)
- Agriolimax fedschenkoi Koch et Heynemann, 1874
- Agriolimax transcaucasicus coeciger Simroth, 1901
Anderson 2005; Kantor et al. 2009; Kerney et al. 1979; Niemela 1998; Wiktor 2000