Bradybaena similaris: albino morph with stripes. (Photo: © B. Frank, Jacksonville) |
Bradybaena similaris. (Photo: © B. Frank, Jacksonville) |
Bradybaena similaris: feeding on fallen citrus fruit. (Photo: © B. Frank, Jacksonville) |
Bradybaena similaris. (Photo: © B. Frank, Jacksonville) |
Bradybaena similaris. (Photo: © B. Frank, Jacksonville) |
Bradybaena similaris. (Photo: © B. Frank, Jacksonville) |
Bradybaena fruticum. (Photo: © L. Kolouch, |
Bradybaena fruticum. (Photo: © M. Becker, Wikipedia) |
Bradybaena fruticum. (Photo: © Aung, Wikipedia) |
Bradybaena fruticum. (Photo: © Aung, Wikipedia) |
Bradybaena fruticum. (Photo: © Aung, Wikipedia) |
Bradybaena fruticum. (Photo: © Aung, Wikipedia) |
Acusta touranensis (Souleyet, 1842)
Bradybaena similaris (Ferussac, 1821)
Fruticicola fruticum (Muller, 1774)
Common name
Acusta touranensis: None reported
Bradybaena similaris: Asian tramp snail
Fruticicola fruticum: Bush snail
The Asian tramp snail is approximately 12 mm in length and 12-18 mm wide with 5.5 whorlsWhorls:
Pleural of whorl. A whorl is a complete spiral turn/growth of the shell of a mollusc. The whorls are counted from the apex outwards.
. In this species, both sinistralSinistral:
Having the opening of the shell on the left side when the observer hold the shell so that the apex is upwards and the aperture faces them.
(mouth on the left) and dextralDextral:
Having the opening of the shell on the right side when oriented so that the apex is upwards and the aperture is facing you.
(mouth on the right) individuals exist. There are four distinct color morphs: 1. yellow-tan without a bandBand:
In slugs: Any transverse line (runs from side to side, or vertically e.g., on the foot fringe). In snails: A section of a shell that is differentiated by color or texture from either side of it.
, 2. yellow-tan with a chestnut colored stripe, 3. pale brown without a bandBand:
In slugs: Any transverse line (runs from side to side, or vertically e.g., on the foot fringe). In snails: A section of a shell that is differentiated by color or texture from either side of it.
, 3. pale brown with a chestnut color bandBand:
In slugs: Any transverse line (runs from side to side, or vertically e.g., on the foot fringe). In snails: A section of a shell that is differentiated by color or texture from either side of it.
The bush snail is also variable in color ranging from pale yellow, to white to light red-brown, sometimes with a dark chestnut colored stripe. This snail is approximately 10-19 mm high and 13-23 mm wide, although specimens measuring up to 25.4 mm have been documented. Adults often possess 6 whorlsWhorls:
Pleural of whorl. A whorl is a complete spiral turn/growth of the shell of a mollusc. The whorls are counted from the apex outwards.
, but a range of 5-6.5 is not uncommon.
Native range
Bradybaena similaris: Southeast Asia
Fruticicola fruticum: Central and Eastern Europe, and Asia
North America:
- U.S.: southeastern U.S. including Alabama, Florida, Louisiana, Mississippi, Texas
Central and South America
Pacific Islands: Hawaiian Islands
Caribbean: Puerto Rico, Jamaica
Europe (Fruticicola fruticum)
Auatralasia: Australia
This tropical pest species (Asian tramp snail) has been known to consume cucurbits, grapes, Hibiscus sp., legumes and various ornamental plants. Self-fertilizationSelf-fertilization:
This is an event where an organism is produced by the fertilization of an egg by sperm from the same organism. (See also hermaphrodite)
is possible in this snail. This species achieve full maturity in 100 days on average and longevity is approximately 144 days. The number of eggs produced per clutch ranges form 1 to 202.
The bush snail typically matures within a year of hatching and can persist for as many as 5 years or longer. This species is frequently found along roadsides and in lush, damp vegetation.
Fruticicola fruticum:
- Helix fruticum (Muller, 1774)
- Bradybaena fruticum (Muller, 1774)
Airo et al. 2003; Barker 200; Carvallo et al. 2008; Chang 1990; Cowie et al. 2008; Cowie et al. 2009; Falniowski et al. 2004; Godan 1983; Kerney et al. 1979; Komai and Emura 1955; Naggs et al. 2003; Rosenberg and Muratov 2006; Solem 1959; Utsuno and Asami 2010