About this tool


<em>Tenuipalpus</em> Jennifer Beard, Department of Entomology, University of Maryland, thrippy @ hotmail.com

Ronald Ochoa, USDA-ARS-SEL, ron.ochoa @ usda.gov

Gary Bauchan, USDA-ARS, E&CMU, gary.bauchan @ usda.gov

Matthew Trice, Colorado State University

Amanda Redford, USDA-APHIS-PPQ-S&T, amanda.j.redford @ usda.gov

Terrence Walters, USDA-APHIS-PPQ-S&T

Charlie Mitter, Department of Entomology, University of Maryland

For questions regarding content, please contact Jennifer Beard or Ronald Ochoa. Please feel free to contact us if you find any mistakes in the content or coding of the keys. For questions on the scanning electron microscopy included in this tool, please contact Gary Bauchan. For questions regarding accessibility or functionality of the website, please contact Amanda Redford.