Brevipalpus cuneatus

           Fig. 1.   Brevipalpus cuneatus  female dorsum.

Fig. 1. Brevipalpus cuneatus female dorsum.

           Fig. 2.   Brevipalpus cuneatus  female legs I-II - arrow   indicates long solenidion.

Fig. 2. Brevipalpus cuneatus female legs I-II - arrow indicates long solenidion.

           Fig. 2.   Brevipalpus cuneatus  female   prodorsum.

Fig. 2. Brevipalpus cuneatus female prodorsum.

           Fig. 4.   Brevipalpus cuneatus  female anterior extension   of prodorsum.

Fig. 4. Brevipalpus cuneatus female anterior extension of prodorsum.

           Fig. 5.   Brevipalpus cuneatus  female dorsal   opisthosoma.

Fig. 5. Brevipalpus cuneatus female dorsal opisthosoma.

           Fig. 6.   Brevipalpus cuneatus  female posterior   dorsum.

Fig. 6. Brevipalpus cuneatus female posterior dorsum.

           Fig. 7.   Brevipalpus cuneatus  female venter.

Fig. 7. Brevipalpus cuneatus female venter.

           Fig. 8.   Brevipalpus cuneatus  female posterior venter - note   lack of well defined ventral plate.

Fig. 8. Brevipalpus cuneatus female posterior venter - note lack of well defined ventral plate.

           Fig. 9.   Brevipalpus cuneatus  female posterior venter - note   lack of well defined ventral plate.

Fig. 9. Brevipalpus cuneatus female posterior venter - note lack of well defined ventral plate.

           Fig. 10.   Brevipalpus cuneatus  female palp, indicating   small palp tarsus, and seta on palp femur.

Fig. 10. Brevipalpus cuneatus female palp, indicating small palp tarsus, and seta on palp femur.

           Fig. 11.   Brevipalpus cuneatus  female palp - arrow indicates 2   setae on palp tarsus.

Fig. 11. Brevipalpus cuneatus female palp - arrow indicates 2 setae on palp tarsus.

           Fig. 12.   Brevipalpus cuneatus  female venter, arrow   indicates seta on trochanter III (= tr III); note also small setae  3a ,    4a .

Fig. 12. Brevipalpus cuneatus female venter, arrow indicates seta on trochanter III (= tr III); note also small setae 3a, 4a.


(Canestrini and Fanzago)

Taxonomic history

Caligonus cuneatus - original designation

Tenuipalpus cuneatus - Berlese (1887)

Brevipalpus cuneatus - Baker (1949)

Hystripalpus cuneatus - Mitrofanov & Strunkova (1979)

Species group characters

B. cuneatus species group (sensu Baker & Tuttle 1987) = f2 present; tarsus II with 1 solenidion; dorsal central setae (c1, d1, e1) different shape to dorsal lateral setae (c3, d3, e3); palp 4-segmented with 2 distal setae


  • opisthosomal setae f2 present (= 7 setae around opisthosomal margin) (Figs. 1, 6)
  • tarsus II with 1 solenidion distally (antiaxial); solenidia on tarsus I-II long (Fig. 2)
  • prodorsum smooth centrally, with some weak wrinkles; with rounded closed cells laterally, forming strong pebble-like reticulation (Figs. 3, 4)
  • anterior projection of prodorsum with strong pebble-like reticulation (Fig. 4)
  • dorsal opisthosoma cuticle between c1-c1 and e1-e1 smooth to weakly wrinkled (rugose) (Fig. 5); cuticle laterad c1 with pebble-like reticulation; cuticle posterior e1-e1 with weak transverse folds and large rounded cells (Figs. 5, 6)
  • seta f3 inserted off the body margin, medad f2 (Fig. 6)
  • almost the entire ventral surface of body with strong pebble-like reticulation (Fig. 7)
  • ventral plate not well defined, with small to medium circular cells (Figs. 8, 9)
  • genital plate with large rounded cells transversely aligned (Figs. 8, 9), cells often fused to form transverse bands/folds (Fig. 9)
  • spermatheca not visible
  • palp tibia with protuberance; seta on femur strong, tapered, lightly barbed (Fig. 10)
  • palp tarsus very small, with 2 setae - 1 solenidion, 1 eupathidion (Figs. 10-11)
  • trochanter III with 1 seta (Fig. 12)
  • ventral setae 3a and 4a very short (Fig. 12)

Distribution based on confirmed specimens

Italy (holotype)

Hosts based on confirmed specimens

unidentified hedge plant (holotype)


Baker (1949); Berlese (1887); *Canestrini & Fanzago (1876); Mitrofanov & Strunkova (1979)

* - original description