APPW key feature pages

Plant habit - aquatic

This feature concerns a plant's position and orientation relative to its aquatic surroundings and can best be determined if a plant is observed in situ.

Use the state "submersed aquatic" for plants that are completely submergedsubmerged:
(adj) (syn. submersed) under water; submerged below the water surface
, or for which the greater bulk of vegetativevegetative:
(adj) (1) pertaining to or to the growth of plant organs or plant parts that have nonreproductive functions, such as leaves, roots, stems, etc.; (2) concering non sexual propagules such as tubers, turions, stem fragments, root crowns, rhizomes
structures are below the water's surface. Such plants may have a few leaves floating on the water surface, and/or reproductive structures that rise above the water surface.

The "floating or emersedemersed:
see emergent
aquatics" state covers plants with all parts or the greater bulk floating on the water's surface, and plants rising above the water's surface.

The last state, "littoral (at pond marginmargin:
(n) edge; rim
) or wet ground," covers plants at the water's edge on wet ground. The other plants shown are in shallow water, meant to illustrate that they are on ground that is sometimes flooded and sometimes dry.

submersed aquatic
floating or emergent aquatic
littoral (at pond margin) or wet ground
APPW key feature pages