APPW key feature pages

Leaf - degree of dissection (if deeply dissected or compound)

A leaf with one degree of dissection has lobes or leaflets arrayed on one axisaxis:
(n) the main stem; the central column of an inflorescence or other structure
, or has one dichotomous or trichotomoustrichotomous:
(adj) branching regularly into three parts or divisions
division; a leaf with more than one degree of dissection has each lobe or leafletleaflet:
(n) one of the leaf-like units of a compound leaf
further divided, or each dichotomous or trichotomoustrichotomous:
(adj) branching regularly into three parts or divisions
division again or repeatedly divided. Note that lobes or leaflets may be broad to filiformfiliform:
(adj) thread-like; long and thin

one degree of dissection
more than one degree of dissection
APPW key feature pages