APPW key feature pages

Inflorescence type

Inflorescence inflorescence:
(n) the arrangement of flowers on the floral axis
type may be hard to determine, as plant inflorescences are not easily categorized. Choose the state or states that best match your inflorescenceinflorescence:
(n) the arrangement of flowers on the floral axis

Solitary flowers may be terminalterminal:
(adj) at the apex
or axillaryaxillary:
(adj) in, of, or produced from an axil
. Racemes may be as pictured below, or e.g., whorledwhorled:
(n) bearing whorls; a type of leaf arrangement (phyllotaxis) in which leaves are in whorls
, and likewise, panicles may be whorledwhorled:
(n) bearing whorls; a type of leaf arrangement (phyllotaxis) in which leaves are in whorls
or compoundly whorledwhorled:
(n) bearing whorls; a type of leaf arrangement (phyllotaxis) in which leaves are in whorls

solitary flower
spike or catkin
cyme (axillary or terminal)
spadix (fleshy spike)
axillary cluster
axillary flowers whorled subapically on emersed stem
minute flowers borne in sessile pouch
APPW key feature pages