APPW key feature pages

Aroids only - spadix and spathe type

A spadixspadix:
(n) a spike of small flowers borne on a thick, fleshy axis
is a spikespike:
(n) an indeterminate, unbranching inflorescence of sessile flowers or flower clusters on a usually elongated axis
consisting of small, often reduced flowers borne on a thick, fleshy axisaxis:
(n) the main stem; the central column of an inflorescence or other structure
. Spadices are characteristic of the family Araceae. A spadixspadix:
(n) a spike of small flowers borne on a thick, fleshy axis
may or may not be subtended by a spathespathe:
(n) a large bract or bracts subtending and often enclosing an inflorescence

spadix exposed, spathe open
spadix exposed, spathe reduced or absent
spadix hidden, enclosed by spathe
APPW key feature pages