
Scientific name

Orontium L.

Common names

golden club



Similar genera


Native distribution

eastern North America

Species cultivated

Orontium aquaticum L.

Adventive distribution


Weed status

not weedy


deep-rooted emergentemergent:
(adj) (syn. emersed) with parts raised out of the water; extending up out of the water
rosette plant

Brief description

Annual or perennialperennial:
(adj) (of a plant) having a life cycle of more than two years
. Rhizomerhizome:
(n) an underground stem, usually growing horizontally, from which both roots and shoots emerge directly; the thick, above-ground stem of ferns
stout and deeply rooted. Leaves in a basalbasal:
(adj) at or pertaining to the base, or point of attachment
rosette; petioles elongate, sheathed basally; leaf bladeblade:
(n) (syn. lamina) the flat, expanded part of a leaf, frond, or petal (excluding, e.g., the petiole)
elliptic, submergedsubmerged:
(adj) (syn. submersed) under water; submerged below the water surface
, floating or emergentemergent:
(adj) (syn. emersed) with parts raised out of the water; extending up out of the water
, venationvenation:
(n) the arrangement of veins in a leaf
parallel; marginmargin:
(n) edge; rim
(adj) having a continuous margin that is not toothed or lobed
. Inflorescenceinflorescence:
(n) the arrangement of flowers on the floral axis
a spadixspadix:
(n) a spike of small flowers borne on a thick, fleshy axis
borne on an elongate pedunclepeduncle:
(n) the stalk of a flower cluster or inflorescence
; spathespathe:
(n) a large bract or bracts subtending and often enclosing an inflorescence
reduced to base of spadixspadix:
(n) a spike of small flowers borne on a thick, fleshy axis
and apparently absent when mature; spadixspadix:
(n) a spike of small flowers borne on a thick, fleshy axis
elongate, yellow. Flowers in upper portion of spadixspadix:
(n) a spike of small flowers borne on a thick, fleshy axis
male, in lower portion bisexualbisexual:
(adj) having both male and female sexual reproductive structures on one individual or in one flower
. Berries with single seed. Dispersal by seed.

Natural habitat

streams and shallow pools

Additional comments

Orontium contains only one species. It is often found in acidic swamps and coastal streams.

  Orontium aquaticum , emersed; photo: S.L. Winterton

Orontium aquaticum, emersed; photo: S.L. Winterton

  Orontium aquaticum  spadix; photo: S.L. Winterton

Orontium aquaticum spadix; photo: S.L. Winterton