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Daedalea quercina

fungal fruiting body piece, bottom surface with shallow ribs; photo by Lyndon Photography

Daedalea quercina

fungal fruiting body pieces, top surface; photo by Lyndon Photography

Daedalea quercina

fungal fruiting body piece, bottom surface with deep ribs; photo by Lyndon Photography

Daedalea quercina

fungal fruiting body pieces, dyed; photo © The Lebermuth Company, Inc.

Daedalea quercina

fungal fruiting body pieces, dyed pink, bottom surface; photo by Christina Southwick

Daedalea quercina

fungal fruiting body pieces, dyed pink, top surface; photo by Christina Southwick

Daedalea quercina

fungal fruiting body, dyed pink, bottom surface; photo by Christina Southwick

Daedalea quercina

fungal fruiting body, dyed pink, bottom surface with deep ribs; photo by Christina Southwick

Daedalea quercina

fungal fruiting body, dyed pink, bottom suface; photo by Christina Southwick

Davallia solida

leaves, close-up; photo by Lyndon Photography

Davallia solida

leaves, top view; photo by Christina Southwick

Davallia solida

leaves, bottom view; photo by Christina Southwick

Delonix regia

immature fruits; photo © The Lebermuth Company, Inc.

Delonix regia

mature fruit pieces; photo © The Lebermuth Company, Inc.

Delonix regia

immature fruit pieces, left two bleached, right one dyed pink; photo by Lyndon Photography

Delonix regia

immature fruit pieces, dyed purple, inner surface; photo by Christina Southwick

Delonix regia

immature fruit pieces, dyed purple, outer surface; photo by Christina Southwick

Didymopanax macrocarpum

leaves, lower surface (left) and upper surface (right); photo © The Lebermuth Company, Inc.

Dioscorea sp.

fruits; photo © The Lebermuth Company, Inc.

Dioscorea sp.

fruits, dyed pink; photo by Lyndon Photography

Dioscorea sp.

fruits, dyed pink; photo by Christina Southwick

Dioscorea sp.

fruits, dyed pink; photo by Christina Southwick

Dioscorea sp.

fruits, dyed pink; photo by Christina Southwick

Dipsacus sativus

inflorescences; photo by Lyndon Photography