Solanum aethiopicum

Name and publication

Solanum aethiopicum L., Amoen. Acad. 4: 307 (1759).


Fruits of the gilo or scarlet eggplant are occasionally used in imported potpourri and are sold as “mini pumpkin peppers.” These berries look like tiny, orange to red pumpkins, 3-6 cm in diameter.

Nativity and distribution

Solanum aethiopicum is native to Africa and cultivated elsewhere as a vegetable.



 red fruits; photo © The Lebermuth Company, Inc.

red fruits; photo © The Lebermuth Company, Inc.

 orange fruit, stem end view; photo by Lyndon Photography

orange fruit, stem end view; photo by Lyndon Photography

 orange fruit, blossom end view; photo by Lyndon Photography

orange fruit, blossom end view; photo by Lyndon Photography