Platanus x acerifolia

Name and publication

Platanus × acerifolia Willd., Sp. Pl. 1(1): 474 (1797).


Multiple fruits of the London planetree, known as “jack fruit” in the potpourri trade, are hemispherical and warty from the turbinate achenes, 2.5-3 cm in diameter.

Nativity and distribution

Platanus × acerifolia is a hybrid and only known from cultivation.




Platanus hispanica auct.

 fruits, dyed various colors; photo by Indira Singh

fruits, dyed various colors; photo by Indira Singh

 fruits, dyed green; photo by Lyndon Photography

fruits, dyed green; photo by Lyndon Photography

 fruits, dyed green, broken open revealing seeds; photo by Lyndon Photography

fruits, dyed green, broken open revealing seeds; photo by Lyndon Photography