Microporus xanthopus

Name and publication

Microporus xanthopus (Fr.) Kuntze, Rev. Gen. Pl. 3(3): 497 (1898).


Sold as “morning glories” or “golden pods” in the potpourri trade, this umbrella-shaped polypore is usually bleached. The widely flaring fruiting bodies are zoned on the inner surface, while the outer, fertile surface is covered with minute pores, 3-10 cm in diameter on a 5-15 mm stalk.

Nativity and distribution

Microporus xanthopus is native to Australasia.




Polyporus xanthopus Fr.

 fungal fruiting bodies; photo by Lyndon Photography

fungal fruiting bodies; photo by Lyndon Photography

 fungal fruiting body, lower surface; photo by Lyndon Photography

fungal fruiting body, lower surface; photo by Lyndon Photography

 fungal fruiting body, upper surface; photo by Lyndon Photography

fungal fruiting body, upper surface; photo by Lyndon Photography

 fungal fruiting bodies, bleached; photo copy; The Lebermuth Company, Inc.

fungal fruiting bodies, bleached; photo © The Lebermuth Company, Inc.

 fungal fruiting bodies, bleached, lower surface; photo by Christina Southwick

fungal fruiting bodies, bleached, lower surface; photo by Christina Southwick

 fungal fruiting body, bleached, upper surface; photo by Christina Southwick

fungal fruiting body, bleached, upper surface; photo by Christina Southwick

 fungal fruiting body, bleached, lower surface; photo by Christina Southwick

fungal fruiting body, bleached, lower surface; photo by Christina Southwick

 fungal fruiting bodies, bleached, upper surface; photo by Christina Southwick

fungal fruiting bodies, bleached, upper surface; photo by Christina Southwick

 fungal fruiting body, bleached, upper surface; photo by Christina Southwick

fungal fruiting body, bleached, upper surface; photo by Christina Southwick