Grevillea robusta

Name and publication

Grevillea robusta A. Cunn. ex R.Br., Suppl. Prodr. Fl. Nov. Holl. 24 (1830).


Pieces of the leaves of the silky oak are sometimes encountered in imported potpourri, usually dyed dark green. Whole leaves are fern-like, pinnately divided into 5-19 opposite, broad-lanceolate to oblong leaflets, the midrib and lateral veins raised below, 10-34 cm long x 9-15 cm wide, but pieces may be as small as one leaflet, 2-4 cm long x 3-7 mm wide.

Nativity and distribution

Grevillea robusta is native to Australia but widely cultivated.



 leaves, dyed green; photo © The Lebermuth Company, Inc.

leaves, dyed green; photo © The Lebermuth Company, Inc.

 leaves, dyed green; photo by Lyndon Photography

leaves, dyed green; photo by Lyndon Photography

 leaves, close-up; photo by Lyndon Photography

leaves, close-up; photo by Lyndon Photography