Eucalyptus robusta

Name and publication

Eucalyptus robusta Sm., A specimen of the Botany of New Holland 1: 39 (1795).


The fruits of the Swamp Mahogany are sometimes encountered in potpourri imported from Australia. The fruiting pedicel is 5-12 mm long. The fruits are capsular, cylindrical or campanulate (bell-shaped), surface smooth or finely striate, 9–18 mm long excluding pedicel and exserted valves, 8–11 mm wide, disc descending. Valves 3 or 4, tips exserted or near rim level, persistently connate.

Nativity and distribution

Eucalyptus robusta is native to Queensland and New South Wales (Australia) but cultivated elsewhere.



 fruits and fruit clusters; photo by Lyndon Photography

fruits and fruit clusters; photo by Lyndon Photography

 fruits, dyed green; photo by Christina Southwick

fruits, dyed green; photo by Christina Southwick

 fruits, dyed green, top view; photo by Christina Southwick

fruits, dyed green, top view; photo by Christina Southwick