Eucalyptus grandis

Name and publication

Eucalyptus grandis W.Hill ex Maiden, J. Proc. Roy. Soc. New South Wales 52: 501 (1919).


Fruits of the flooded gum are sometimes encountered in potpourri imported from Australia. The fruiting pedicel is absent or around 1 mm long. The fruits are capsular, obconical to pear-shaped (pyriform), 5-8 mm long excluding pedicel and exserted valves, 4-7 mm wide, glaucous or not, disc descending. Valves 4 or 5, exserted, curved inwards.

Nativity and distribution

Eucalyptus grandis is native to New South Wales and Queensland in Australia but cultivated elsewhere.



 fruits and fruit clusters; photo by Julia Scher

fruits and fruit clusters; photo by Julia Scher

 fruit, lateral view; photo by Julia Scher

fruit, lateral view; photo by Julia Scher

 fruit, lateral view; photo by Julia Scher

fruit, lateral view; photo by Julia Scher