Calamus andamanicus

Name and publication

Calamus andamanicus Kurz, J. Asiat. Soc. Bengal, Pt. 2, Nat. Hist. 43(2): 211 (1874).


Calamus andamanicus is a large solitary cane palm. The pale yellow (in its native state) fruits are about 1 cm across, resembling small, pointed cones, arranged in a raceme. These are known as “large canella berries” in the potpourri trade.

Nativity and distribution

Calamus andamanicus is native to the Andaman and Nicobar Islands, India.


Arecaceae (alt. Palmae)

 fruits; photo by Lyndon Photography

fruits; photo by Lyndon Photography

 fruits, close-up; photo by Lyndon Photography

fruits, close-up; photo by Lyndon Photography