Amphilophium aschersonii

Name and publication

Amphilophium aschersonii Ule, Urb. & P. Graebn., Festschr. Ascherson 549 (1904).


Called “penta de onca” in the potpourri trade, the dark brown fruits of this liana are oblong-elliptic capsules with a smooth interior, tuberculate exterior, 9-15 cm x 5-6 cm.

Nativity and distribution

Amphilophium aschersonii is native to the Upper Amazon (Ecuador, Brazil, Colombia, Peru).



 split fruits, showing outer (left) and inner (right) surfaces; photo copy; The Lebermuth Company, Inc.

split fruits, showing outer (left) and inner (right) surfaces; photo © The Lebermuth Company, Inc.

 split fruit, showing outer (left) and inner (right) surfaces; photo by Lyndon Photography

split fruit, showing outer (left) and inner (right) surfaces; photo by Lyndon Photography

 fruit half, external surface; photo by Indira Singh

fruit half, external surface; photo by Indira Singh

 fruit half, internal surface; photo by Indira Singh

fruit half, internal surface; photo by Indira Singh