About this tool


The BeeMD originated as a project of the North American Pollinator Protection Campaign (NAPPC). The founding team included the NAPPC Honey Bee Health Task Force; University of Maryland; Jamie Ellis, University of Florida; Debbie Delaney, University of Delaware; Jordan Ambra, Serenity Software; American Beekeeping Federation; and Pollinator Partnership.

This The BeeMD website was developed and continues to be developed through a cooperative relationship between USDA APHIS Identification Technology Program (ITP) and the Pollinator Partnership. The following individuals authored, contributed, or edited website content, or formatted the content on the web pages in this latest version of The BeeMD:

Dewey M. Caron (primary author), Entomology & Wildlife Ecology, University of Delaware, Newark, Delaware, and Department of Horticulture, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon

James Hart, Pollinator Partnership, San Francisco, California

Julia Scher, USDA APHIS PPQ ITP, Sacramento, California

Amanda Redford, USDA APHIS PPQ, Colorado


Funding for the first rollout of The BeeMD was generously provided by USDA APHIS, the Rust Foundation, Pollinator Partnership, and University of Delaware. Funding for the current version was partially provided by USDA Plant Protection Act 7721.

We thank all contributors of images as well as the many who gave permission for their images to be used. We thank the beta reviewers for their time and many helpful comments and suggestions: Carolyn Breece (Oregon State University), Jamie Ellis (University of Florida), Melissa Fontaine (USDA ARS), Steve Gomes (Tualatin Valley Beekeepers Association), Sydney Miller (University of Vermont), Olav Rueppell (University of Alberta), Michael Studer (Tennessee Department of Agriculture), Robyn Underwood (Penn State Extension), Charles Vanden Heuvel (BG Bees LLC), and Elizabeth Walsh (USDA ARS).