Marked queen

Signs or indications

Queen with color mark or glued numbered disc on thoraxthorax:
the middle region of the adult bee body, which lies in between the head and the abdomen; consists of three segments: pro-, meso-, and meta-thorax; thorax attachments include three pairs of legs and two pairs of wings
; alternately, queen wing cut.


Queen with colored paint mark on thoraxthorax:
the middle region of the adult bee body, which lies in between the head and the abdomen; consists of three segments: pro-, meso-, and meta-thorax; thorax attachments include three pairs of legs and two pairs of wings
or numbered disc glued to thoraxthorax:
the middle region of the adult bee body, which lies in between the head and the abdomen; consists of three segments: pro-, meso-, and meta-thorax; thorax attachments include three pairs of legs and two pairs of wings
. Alternately, part of queen's forewing is cut. A color spot or disc helps a person find a queen in a colony and confirms the year the queen was introduced (if the queen is marked according to the international marking code). When marking, it is important to avoid getting paint or glue on the queen’s head or wings.  

Queen fainting may occur while handling her to mark her.

Suggested color scheme: white (years ending in 1 and 6), yellow (years ending 2 and 7), red (years ending in 3 and 8), green (years ending in 4 and 9) and blue (years ending in 5 and 0).

Most closely resembles

clipping portion of wing of queen; dead or injured queen


Anderson C. 2023 update. How to Mark a Queen Bee. Carolina HoneybeesCarolina Honeybees:
Carolina Honeybees. Accessed October 2022.
. Accessed 2023.

Betterbee. n.d. Marking a Queen. Betterbee. Accessed 2023.

 Marked queen with white paint; photo by Robert Snyder
Marked queen with white paint; photo by Robert Snyder
 Marked and clipped (right forewing) queen; photo by The BeeMD photo collection
Marked and clipped (right forewing) queen; photo by The BeeMD photo collection
 Marking queen with red paint dot on thorax; photo by The BeeMD photo collection
Marking queen with red paint dot on thorax; photo by The BeeMD photo collection
 Unmarked queen; photo by Robert Snyder
Unmarked queen; photo by Robert Snyder
 Worker retinue around marked queen (disc numbered 25); photo by The BeeMD photo collection
Worker retinue around marked queen (disc numbered 25); photo by The BeeMD photo collection
 Marked queen with clipped right wing; photo by Robert Snyder
Marked queen with clipped right wing; photo by Robert Snyder
 Queen poorly marked with paint on wing; photo by Dewey M. Caron
Queen poorly marked with paint on wing; photo by Dewey M. Caron