
Signs or indications

Hives missing; hives turned over; hive covers removed; bee equipment scattered about


Human vandalism, such as tipping over colonies; removing hive covers, thus exposing bees to rain; stealing of honey crops; theft of entire hives; and, of course, use of pesticide chemicals in a manner which exposes hives and foraging bees to insecticide poisoning, are all examples of human interference or vandalism.

Bees on pollination sites remote from residences are more vulnerable. Theft rings of individuals have been identified, for example, in the vandalism of colonies for pollination of California almond orchards. Sometimes the frames are transferred to new hive bodies, but in other instances the entire hives are stolen and subsequently used for honey production, or rented for pollination in a different location.

Bullet holes may appear in hives at more remote locations.

Fear of neighbor overreaction in the urban or suburban environment creates many clandestine or stealth urban beekeepers.

There are ways to electronically mark and subsequently identify beehive equipment, to permit tracking when hives or equipment are stolen.

If vandalism persists, moving a hive's location is usually the most practical solution.

Most closely resembles

Damage from bears, toppled hives by livestock


Burlew R. 2017. How safe is your hive from vandals? Honey Bee Suite. Accessed 2023.

Nalen CM and Ellis J. 2021. Theft, Vandalism, and Other Related Crime in the Beekeeping Industry: A Guide for Beekeepers. University of Florida/IFAS Extension ask ifas. Accessed 2023.

MAAREC. n.d. Apiaryapiary:
a place where beehives and beekeeping equipment are located; also called a bee yard. An out-apiary is a site away from the owner’s residence.
location. Mid-Atlantic Apicultureapiculture:
the science and art of cultivating bees to benefit humans
Research and Extension Consortium. Accessed 2023.

Ebersole R. 2019. Beekeepers hit hard by thefts of hives. National Geographic. Accessed 2023.

 Vandalism to bee hives; photo by Dewey M. Caron
Vandalism to bee hives; photo by Dewey M. Caron
 Vandalism of two of four colonies on a pallet; photo by University of Florida
Vandalism of two of four colonies on a pallet; photo by University of Florida
 Vandalism to a commercial beekeeper's palletized colonies; photo by University of Florida
Vandalism to a commercial beekeeper's palletized colonies; photo by University of Florida
 Vandalism of colonies (note winter wrap); photo by The BeeMD photo collection
Vandalism of colonies (note winter wrap); photo by The BeeMD photo collection
 Bullet lodged in comb (circled), indicating human vandalism; photo by Robyn Underwood
Bullet lodged in comb (circled), indicating human vandalism; photo by Robyn Underwood