Hispine morphology

Members of the subfamily Cassidinae (sensu lato) are easily distinguished from other chrysomelids (Chrysomelidae, Coleoptera) with the head having the front or vertexvertex:
occupies the area behind and between the eyes
projecting strongly forward (opisthognathous), mouthparts in an oral cavity which is not visible from above (see photo “lateral view of head”), and a tarsal formula of 4-4-4.

Hispines and cassidines (the two groups within Cassidinae; see About hispines for more information) are more easily distinguished as adults. As larvae they have less differentiated characters which is the main reason for the combination of the two former subfamilies into one. The adult hispine head is directed downward, prominent, and visible from above, at least to behind the eyes. The  fronsfrons:
upper anterior portion of head capsule above the clypeus
 is prominent, exposed, or rarely retracted. The antennae are not retractable and are inserted in antennal pits in front of the eyes. The  pronotumpronotum:
occupies all of dorsal part of the prothorax; in anterior angles or posterior angles there may be a small tubercle or pore with a seta
 is usually narrower than the elytra; it is more or less quadrangular or trapezoidal, often with distinct anterior angles which may have a small tubercle. The  scutellumscutellum:
sclerotized portion of the mesonotum, visible between elytral bases; usually more or less triangular, pentagonal, or quadrate
 is always visible. The elytra usually lack wide lateral expansions or have reduced and discontinuous expansions. The margins are smooth, denticulate, serrate, or with spines. Larvae are either leaf-miners or live in confined spaces between plant parts such as leaf rolls or leaf sheaths. They have eight pairs of abdominal spiracles which are well developed and dorsally placed; the eighth abdominal segment is terminal with a free hind margin.

ventral view of head
lateral view of head
head and pronotum