Ceratispa (s. str.) Gestro 1895b: 702



Type Species

Ceratispa (Ceratispa) loriae Gestro.


Ceratispa (Ceratispa) can be distinguished by the following combination of characters:

  • lateral margin of pronotumpronotum:
    occupies all of dorsal part of the prothorax; in anterior angles or posterior angles there may be a small tubercle or pore with a seta
    and elytra without long, stiff spines
  • head with narrow frontal horn between antennae, horn as long as antennomere 1 in male, shorter than 1 in female
  • antennae filiform, antennomere 1 without spine-like process
  • pronotum pronotum:
    occupies all of dorsal part of the prothorax; in anterior angles or posterior angles there may be a small tubercle or pore with a seta
    with anterior angles oblique, with seta in each anterior angle
  • elytra with 8 rows of punctures basally plus scutellar row, 10 apically, interspaces 2 and 4 wider than others, apical margin truncate
  • anterior margin of prosternumprosternum:
    contains two anterior coxal cavities
    not projecting forward, not partly covering mouth


Elongate; subdepressed; subparallel; color yellow, brown or black, often with metallic sheen; total length 9.0 to 13.0 mm.

Head: cephalic plate quadrate, with medial sulcus; frontal horn narrow, as long as antennomere 1 in male, shorter than 1 in female; eyeeye:
elongate, slightly prominent, multifaceted; usually slightly kidney-shaped
large, convex.

Antenna: filiform; reaches to humerus; with 11-antennomeres; antennomere 1 incrassate, longer than 2 and 3 combined; 4 to 10 subequal in length, each longer than 3; 11 longer than 10, pointed at apex.

Pronotum: transverse; lateral margin rounded, then constricting and converging, sometimes with small tooth; anterior angles oblique, with seta; anterior margin rounded; posterior angle acute; posterior margin bisinuate; surface densely punctate.

Scutellum: cordate.

Elytron: lateral margin straight, smooth; exterior apical angle rounded; apical margin truncate; humerus angulate, not produced; with 8 rows of punctures basally plus scutellar row, 10 apically, interspaces 2 and 4 wider than others; interspaces 2 and 4 costate, costae wide.

Venter: anterior margin of prosternumprosternum:
contains two anterior coxal cavities
not projecting forward, not partly covering mouth; punctate laterally.

Leg: short; robust.


New Guinea.

World Fauna

Described species: 8 (Staines 2012). Key: Gressitt 1957b, 1960a, 1963.


Calamus sp. (Araceae); Areca, Freycinetia?, Metroxylon, Pinanga (Arecaceae); Pandanus sp.? (Pandanaceae).


Gestro, R. 1895b. Viaggio di Lamberto Loria nella Papuasia Orientale. XV. Nuove contribuzioni allo studio delle Hispidae Papuane. Annali del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Genova (2)13(34):701-706.

Gressitt, J. L. 1957b. Hispine beetles from the South Pacific (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae). Nova Guinea n. s. 8:205‑324.

Gressitt, J. L. 1960a. Papuan-West Polynesian hispine beetles (Chrysomelidae). Pacific Insects 2:1-90.

Gressitt, J. L. 1963. Hispine beetles (Chrysomelidae) from New Guinea. Pacific Insects 5:591‑714.

Staines, C. L. 2012. Tribe Cryptonychini. Catalog of the hispines of the world (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Cassidinae). http://entomology.si.edu/Collections_Coleoptera.html

  Ceratispa (Ceratispa)  habitus.

Ceratispa (Ceratispa) habitus.