Callinispa Uhmann (misspelling).
Callanispa rasa Uhmann.
Callanispa can be distinguished by the following combination of characters:
Body small; elongate; subparallel; subconvex; color black; total length 4.6 to 5.0 mm.
Head: wide; convex; vertexvertex:
occupies the area behind and between the eyes
with medial carina which becomes small projection between antennal bases, punctate, depressed between eyes; fronsfrons:
upper anterior portion of head capsule above the clypeus
rugose; eyeeye:
elongate, slightly prominent, multifaceted; usually slightly kidney-shaped
large, convex.
Antenna: short; thickening apically; with 11-antennomeres; antennomere 1 incrassate, 2½x length of 2, without spine; 2 transverse; 3 to 5 cylindrical, decreasing in length; 6 to 10 transverse, subequal in length; 11 slightly longer than 10, pointed at apex; 1 to 6 with scattered setae; 7 to 11 setose.
Pronotum: transverse; lateral margin rounded, with 3 spines on common base (3); anterior angle angulate, with small tubercle; anterior margin slightly curved forward, with blunt, bifurcate spine on each side; posterior angle acute; posterior margin bisinuate; surface punctate, with 2 oval swellings laterally.
Scutellum: cordate; finely punctate.
Elytron: lateral margin straight; exterior apical angle and apical margin rounded; both margins with short, blunt spines; humerus weakly angulate; with 10 rows of punctures plus scutellar row; disc without spines or tubercles.
Leg: slender; punctate; protibia expanding apically, obliquely truncate at apex; tarsal claws not fused, symmetrical.
South Africa.
Described species: 1- Callanispa rasa Uhmann (Staines 2012).
Staines, C. L. 2012. Tribe Hispini. Catalog of the hispines of the world (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Cassidinae).
Uhmann, E. 1959b. Callanispa rasa gen. nov., spec. nov. aus Südafrika. 195. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Hispinae (Coleopt.: Chrysomelidae). Journal of the Entomological Society of South Africa 22:229-232.