Chalepispa Uhmann 1955j: 3



Type Species

Chalepispa ignorata Uhmann.


Chalepispa can be distinguished by the following combination of characters:

  • the lateral margins of the pronotumpronotum:
    occupies all of dorsal part of the prothorax; in anterior angles or posterior angles there may be a small tubercle or pore with a seta
    and the elytra without long, stiff spines
  • the head without a frontal horn
  • the pronotumpronotum:
    occupies all of dorsal part of the prothorax; in anterior angles or posterior angles there may be a small tubercle or pore with a seta
    with a seta in each anterior angle, finely margined, without lateral teeth
  • the apex of the elytra without a tooth-like projection
  • the elytra with 10 rows of punctures for entire length and 3 regular costae, humerus with lateral tooth
  • the antennae thickened at apex, with 11-antennomeres
  • leg with apical tarsomere bearing 2 claws
  • anterior margin of prosternumprosternum:
    contains two anterior coxal cavities
    not expanding toward mouth


Head: vertexvertex:
occupies the area behind and between the eyes
extremely smooth, alutaceous; medial sulcus present; fronsfrons:
upper anterior portion of head capsule above the clypeus
cuspidate, raised in profile; constricted at base.

Antenna: with 11 antennomeres; ½ body length; antennomere 1 globose, punctate; 2 transverse, shorter than 1, punctate; 3 to 4 obconic, subequal in length, each longer than 2; 5 to 7 cylindrical, each ¾ length of 4; 8 to 10 transverse, each shorter than 7; 11 2x length of 10, pointed at apex.

Pronotum: widest at base, weakly transverse; lateral margin parallel to weakly convergent; disc densely punctate; basal impression present; tooth present in anterior angle.

Scutellum: ligulate (linear).

Elytron: parallel‑sided, lateral margin smooth; apical margin with 5 teeth; humerus raised into backward pointed tooth; with 10 rows of punctures plus scutellar row; three complete costae (1, 2, 4), 3 visible at humerus and apex; costae 1 and 2 strongly elevated.

Leg: femora densely punctate; apical tarsomere with two claws.


French Guiana.

World Fauna

Described species: 1- Chalepispa ignorata Uhmann (Staines 2012).




Staines, C. L. 2012. Tribe Chalepini. Catalog of the hispines of the world (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Cassidinae).

Uhmann, E. 1955j. Vier Typen von Chapuis aus der Xenochalepus-Verwandtschaft. 174. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Hispinae (Coleoptera Chrysomelidae). Bulletin Institut royal des Sciences naturelle de Belgique 31(89):1-7.

  Chalepispa  habitus.

Chalepispa habitus.