About this tool


A number of people contributed their knowledge and talents to the development of the second edition of Scale Insects. Here we list each author along with their contribution to the site.

Douglass Miller is a retired scale insect systematist in the USDA ARS Systematic Entomology Laboratory and the Florida State Collection of Arthropods, Department of Plant Industry. He was responsible for the character information used in the key and most of the content in the fact sheets and the glossary.

Alessandra Rung is an insect biosystematist at the California Department of Food and Agriculture and had primary responsibility for the development and implementation of this tool. She took most of the slide-prepared scale images, helped develop the structure of the keys, and was the principal investigator on the project. Please contact Alessandra (email alessandra.rung@cdfa.ca.gov) with any comments or questions about the content of the site.

Grishma Parikh is a Scientific Aide at California Department of Food and Agriculture, for California Agricultural Support Services Authority. Grishma was an organizational specialist in this project and also contributed with content, images, structure of the keys and with obtaining image credits.

George Venable of PXL PWR Multimedia Studio in Beltsville, Maryland worked as a graphics and HTML specialist.

Amanda J. Redford is the Tool Developer with the USDA APHIS Identification Technology Program. Amanda offered input on the tool's progress, coordinated the design and development of the new website, and provided project management support. Please contact Amanda (email amanda.j.redford@usda.gov) with any comments or questions about the accessibility or functionality of the site.

Gregory A. Evans is a National Identification Specialist with USDA APHIS PPQ. He provided most of the recent scale insect identifications at U.S. ports of entry and assisted with providing information on recent interceptions.

Raymond J. (Ray) Gill is a retired insect biosystematist at the California Department of Food and Agriculture. He provided most of the line drawings and habitus images, in addition to information and advice.