Adult Recognition

FWL: 7.0-10.0 mm
Forewing ground color is light gray to white. Markings include a dark-brown to black cresent on the costa, a light-brown patch in the area of the median fascia, and sparse pale-brown shading on the basal half of the wing in some individuals. The hindwing is gray. Males lack a forewing costal fold.
The general forewing coloration and pattern is similar to some species of Acleris, such as Acleris forbesana and Acleris nivisellana. A genitalic dissection can be used to confirm identity.
Larval Morphology

Last instar larvae are approximately 17-23 mm in length and are largely unmarked. The abdomen is light green, the head and prothoracic shield are yellowish green, and the anal shield may be lightly mottled with dark green spots.
The larvae can be confused with those of many other tortricids, including other Argyrotaenia, Epiphyas postvittana, and Choristoneura rosaceana. According to Chapman and Lienk (1971), the markings on the anal shield can be used to separate A. mariana from other Argyrotaenia species.

Argyrotaenia mariana completes a single generation per year. Adults are present in May and June.
Females lay eggs in masses of 20-120 individual eggs on the upper surface of leaves and smooth bark. First instar larvae immediately disperse from the egg mass on silken threads, which transport them to different parts of the plant or entirely different plants. Early instars skeletonize the underside of leaves along the midrib. Later instars roll or web leaves, or web leaves to fruit.
This species has been recorded as an infrequent pest of apple in the Northeast.
Host plants
Although larvae of A. mariana have been recorded from a variety of plants, Chapman and Lienk (1971) speculate that its primary hosts are restricted to the family Rosaceae.
Family | Genus/species | Common name |
Aceraceae | Acer L. | maple |
Asteraceae | Prenanthes trifoliolata (Cass.) Fernald | gall of the earth |
Asteraceae | Prenanthes L. | rattlesnakeroot |
Betulaceae | Alnus Mill. | alder |
Betulaceae | Betula alleghaniensis Britton | yellow birch |
Betulaceae | Betula papyrifera Marshall | paper birch |
Betulaceae | Betula populifolia Marsh. | gray birch |
Betulaceae | Betula L. | birch |
Caprifoliaceae | Viburnum L. | viburnum |
Ericaceae | Kalmia angustifolia L. | sheep laurel |
Ericaceae | Vaccinium uliginosum L. | bog blueberry |
Ericaceae | Vaccinium L. | blueberry |
Fagaceae | Quercus L. | oak |
Rosaceae | Malus pumila Mill. | paradise apple |
Rosaceae | Malus sylvestris (L.) Mill. | European crab apple |
Rosaceae | Malus Mill. | apple |
Rosaceae | Prunus virginiana L. | chokecherry |
Rosaceae | Pyrus L. | pear |
Salicaceae | Populus tremuloides Michx. | quaking aspen |
Salicaceae | Salix L. | willow |
Ulmaceae | Ulmus americana L. | American elm |

Argyrotaenia mariana is found in eastern North America, where it is most common in the Northeast and southern Canada.

Chapman, P. J. and S. E. Lienk. 1971. Tortricid fauna of apple in New York (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae); including an account of apple's occurrence in the state, especially as a naturalized plant. Spec. Publ. Geneva, NY: New York State Agricultural Experiment Station. 122 pp.
Freeman, T. N. 1958. The Archipinae of North America (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). The Canadian Entomologist Supplement 7 (Vol. 90): 1-89.