TortAI Lucid Keys
Two interactive Lucid3 keys are provided below to assist with the identification of tortricid adults and larvae. If this is your first
time using the keys, please read the instructions on the following pages:
TortAI Adult Key - CAPS Program - Instructions and tips for using the adult key.
TortAI Larval Key - Port Intercepts - Instructions and tips for using the larval key.
Key to Lepidoptera Families - Adults - This key can be used to identify 24 common families of Lepidoptera using adult characters.
Key to Lepidoptera Families - Larvae - This key can be used to identify Lepidoptera larvae in seven families that contain the most commonly encountered pests.
Please read before accessing the keys:
Features (characters) may be selected in any order. Do not guess when selecting a feature state. If you are not confident with choosing a state,
move to another feature.
Use the "Best" function with caution! The keys will function more efficiently if you manually select characters that you are familiar with instead of
using "Best." Exclusive use of the "Best" function may not result in a successful identification because of important characters that are automatically skipped.
When using the larval keys check the setae on both sides of the larva, since asymmetry is possible. If asymmetry does exist,
use the highest number of setae when navigating the keys.
If all entities (taxa) are discarded during the keying process it is possible that: 1) the taxon is not in the key, 2) the specimen is damaged
(e.g., from trap or bad fluid preservation of larva), 3) a character state was not observed by the authors, and/or 4) an interpretation
error was made when using the key.
It is very difficult to positively identify many tortricid larvae using only morphological characters. Users should
be aware of the limitations of the keys and are advised to consult an expert whenever an identification is in question.