Osmia mutensis


Family: Megachilidae
Subfamily: Megachilinae
Tribe: Osmiini
Genus: Osmia Panzer, 1806
Subgenus: O. (Osmia) Panzer, 1806
Species: Osmia mutensis Peters, 1978
Common name: none


Osmia mutensis is only known from the female holotypeholotype:
the type specimen used to describe a species
. Female O. mutensis are black bees with a greenish metallic hue, which is most noticeable when looking laterally at the bee. O. mutensis has whitish-yellow hair on the head, thorax, and abdomen, with dark hair interspersed on the fronsfrons:
the area between the antennae and ocelli on the bee's head
and vertexvertex:
the area between the ocelli and the back of the head
(Peters 1978Peters 1978:
Peters, D.S. 1978. Systematik und Zoogeographie der west-palauml;arktischen Arten von Osmia Panzer, 1806 s. str., Monosmia Tkalcu, 1974 und Orientosmia n. subgen. (Insecta: Hymenoptera: Megachilidae). Senckenbergiana Biologica (Frankfurt) 58: 287ndash;346.
). Female body length is approximately 13 mm (Peters 1978Peters 1978:
Peters, D.S. 1978. Systematik und Zoogeographie der west-palauml;arktischen Arten von Osmia Panzer, 1806 s. str., Monosmia Tkalcu, 1974 und Orientosmia n. subgen. (Insecta: Hymenoptera: Megachilidae). Senckenbergiana Biologica (Frankfurt) 58: 287ndash;346.
). Male of O. mutensis is unknown.

Diagnostic characteristics 

  • Clypeus clypeus:
    a section of the face below the antennae, demarcated by the epistomal sutures
    with the apicalapical:
    near or at the apex or end of any structure
    margin straight, entire, and somewhat thickened medially.
  • Mandible mandible:
    bee teeth, so to speak, usually crossed and folded in front of the mouth
    without cutting edge between inner teeth.
  • Mouthparts much smaller than the length of the entire body when extended.
  • Propodeum propodeum:
    the last segment of the thorax
    dull and matte medially.
  • Scopa scopa:
    modified hairs for carrying pollen; often branched and dense hairs on the hind-leg, or on the ventral surface of the abdomen in Megachilidae

May be confused with 

O. mutensis females are similar to O. kohlii and O. fedtschenkoi in the shape of the mandibles, which lack a cutting edge between the two inner teeth. O. mutensis can be easily differentiated from these species by the simple, straight apicalapical:
near or at the apex or end of any structure
edge of their clypeusclypeus:
a section of the face below the antennae, demarcated by the epistomal sutures
(Peters 1978Peters 1978:
Peters, D.S. 1978. Systematik und Zoogeographie der west-palauml;arktischen Arten von Osmia Panzer, 1806 s. str., Monosmia Tkalcu, 1974 und Orientosmia n. subgen. (Insecta: Hymenoptera: Megachilidae). Senckenbergiana Biologica (Frankfurt) 58: 287ndash;346.



Host associations 


Nesting behavior 



Osmia mutensis is known only from western Turkey (Özbek 2013Ouml;zbek 2013:
Ouml;zbek, H. 2013. New Data on Large Carpenter-bees of Turkey with Considerations About Their Importance as Pollinators. Journal of Entomological Research Society 15(1): 79-89.

​Distribution map generated by Discover Life -- click on map for details, credits, and terms of use.


Özbek, H., 2013. Distribution of the tribe Osmiini bees (Hymenoptera: Megachilidae) of Turkey Part II: The genera Haetosmia, Osmia and Protosmia. Atatürk University Journal of the Agrichultural Faculty, 44(2): 121-143.
Peters, D.S. 1978. Systematik und Zoogeographie der west-paläarktischen Arten von Osmia Panzer, 1806 s. str., Monosmia Tkalcu, 1974 und Orientosmia n. subgen. (Insecta: Hymenoptera: Megachilidae). Senckenbergiana Biologica (Frankfurt) 58: 287-346.