Diabrotica amecameca Krysan & Smith

Species name

Diabrotica amecameca Krysan & Smith 1987: 457

Type locality

LaMirasol, 7 km SW Santiago de Tianguistango, Mexico, Mexico

Type depository

MCZ, holotype, male, verifiedh


Body length 4.1-5.5 mm. Body width 2.0-2.4 mm. Head basic color black. Antennae filiformfiliform:
slender antennae with antennomeres of similar shape
, uniformly piceous or black. Maxillary palpi and labrumlabrum:
the "upper lip" of beetles, a movable sclerite joined under clypeus
black. Pronotumpronotum:
the notum of the prothorax with highly sclerotized pronotal disc
paris green or green, subquadrate, deeply bifoveate, not shagreened. Scutellumscutellum:
small, usually triangular shield between the bases of elytra
black. Elytra green, yellow or rufous, basalbasal:
of or pertaining to the base, as in the first, or basal segment of an appendage; opposite of apical
fourth of suture narrowly tinged with piceous, humeral calli tinged with amber. Epipleura completely green. Elytral surface with two distinct sinuatesinuate:
curved in some way
sulci, strongest behind the humeral callushumeral callus:
<em>(pl. calli)</em> more or less marked tubercle or knob on the anterobasal angle of elytron
and extending beyond the middle or with four distinct sinuatesinuate:
curved in some way
sulci, strongest behind the humeral callushumeral callus:
<em>(pl. calli)</em> more or less marked tubercle or knob on the anterobasal angle of elytron
and extending beyond the middle. Sutural anglesutural angle:
the posterior angle or apex of the elytron near the suture
of elytra round, punctation scattered, fine. Abdomen yellow, yellow ocher or brussels brown. Legs black. Aedeagusaedeagus:
the main sclerotized part of the male genitalia; "aedeagus" is used here instead of "median lobe of aedeagus"
symmetric, with four internal sac scleritessclerites:
(here) the sclerotized hooks, spines or plates in the internal sac

Known distribution

Mexico, El Salvador

Host plants


Potential problems with identification

Diabrotica amecameca Krysan & Smith is very similar to D. barberi Smith & Lawrence and D. virgifera zeae Krysan & Smith. They can be separated by the following features: the head and the legs are darker in D. amecameca. The internal sacs of aedeagusaedeagus:
the main sclerotized part of the male genitalia; "aedeagus" is used here instead of "median lobe of aedeagus"
are different in all three species.

             Diabrotica amecameca Krysan & Smith, habitus, dorsal   view

Diabrotica amecameca Krysan & Smith, habitus, dorsal view

             Diabrotica amecameca Krysan & Smith, habitus,   lateral view

Diabrotica amecameca Krysan & Smith, habitus, lateral view

             Diabrotica amecameca Krysan & Smith, habitus, dorsal   view

Diabrotica amecameca Krysan & Smith, habitus, dorsal view

             Diabrotica amecameca Krysan & Smith, habitus,   lateral view

Diabrotica amecameca Krysan & Smith, habitus, lateral view

             Diabrotica amecameca Krysan & Smith, internal sac,   ventral view

Diabrotica amecameca Krysan & Smith, internal sac, ventral view

             Diabrotica amecameca Krysan & Smith, internal sac,   lateral view at right

Diabrotica amecameca Krysan & Smith, internal sac, lateral view at right

             Diabrotica amecameca Krysan & Smith, internal sac,   lateral view at left

Diabrotica amecameca Krysan & Smith, internal sac, lateral view at left

             Diabrotica amecameca Krysan & Smith, holotype,   habitus, dorsal view

Diabrotica amecameca Krysan & Smith, holotype, habitus, dorsal view

             Diabrotica amecameca Krysan & Smith, holotype,   habitus, lateral view

Diabrotica amecameca Krysan & Smith, holotype, habitus, lateral view

             Diabrotica amecameca Krysan & Smith, holotype   labels

Diabrotica amecameca Krysan & Smith, holotype labels