

aedeagus: the main sclerotized part of the male genitalia; "aedeagus" is used here instead of "median lobe of aedeagus"

antenna: (pl. antennae) a pair of a relatively long segmented appendages on the front or upper side of beetle head

antennal calli: the swellings at the front of the head capsule above antennal sockets

antennomere: "segment" of antenna, more or less clearly separated

anterior: the nearest to the front of beetle

apex: (pl. apices) the far distal end of a structure; opposite of base

apical: of or pertaining to the apex; opposite of basal


bands: (here) transverse maculae on the beetle elytra

basal: of or pertaining to the base, as in the first, or basal segment of an appendage; opposite of apical


clypeus: the part of the frontal surface of the head capsule between frons and labrum

coxa: (pl. coxae) the first part of the beetle leg, joining leg with beetle body


disc: the middle, more uniform area of a structure (usually elytra or pronotum) which is visible dorsally


elytral suture: the line where elytra meet together along their length

elytron: (pl. elytra) the fore highly sclerotized wing of beetle

epipleuron: (pl. epipleura) a lateral part of elytron which folds underneath and is separated from the elytral disc by the carina


femur: (pl. femora) the third segment of the leg articulated with trochanter (or coxa) and tibia

filiform: slender antennae with antennomeres of similar shape

frons: the outer part of the head capsule of beetle occupied the space between clypeus and antennal calli


gena: (pl. genae) the part of the beetle head below and behind the eye


humeral callus: (pl. calli) more or less marked tubercle or knob on the anterobasal angle of elytron

humeral plica: (pl. plicae) the fold or ridge on the elytron beginning at the humeral callus and disappearing posteriorly


incrassate segment: (here) segment of the articulate beetle body part (for example antenna or maxillari palpi) gradually increasing in width towards the middle and subsequently decreasing in width

infuscate: darken with a brownish tinge

internal sac of aedeagus: the inner chamber of the beetle penis invaginated at the end of the aedeagus, bearing from 2 to 6 sclerotized hooks, spines or plates in Diabrotica beetles


labrum: the "upper lip" of beetles, a movable sclerite joined under clypeus

lateral: located near the sides of the body


maculate: (here) marked by maculae or patches of a different shape and size, usually clearly separated from each other

mandible: the "upper jaws" of beetles

maxilla: (pl. maxillae) so called "lower jaws" of beetles lying just behind (under) the mandibles

maxillari palpi: pair of segmented appendages of the maxillae

mesepimeron: posterior part of the mesothoracic pleuron

mesepisternum: anterior part of the mesothoracic pleuron before the pleural suture

mesocoxa: the first segment of middle legs

mesofemora: femora of the middle legs

mesosternum: ventral plate of the mesothorax

mesothorax: the middle segment of the beetle thorax

mesotibiae: tibiae of the middle legs

metafemora: femora of the hind legs

metasternum: ventral plate of the metathorax

metathorax: the posterior segment of the beetle thorax

metatibia spur: a short process at the apex of metatibia

metatibiae: tibiae of the hind legs

metepimeron: posterior part of the metathoracic pleuron, in Diabrotica longitudinally extended between the lateral edge of the metacoxa and the elytron, usually more or less covered by elytron epipleura

metepisternum: anterior part of the metathoracic pleuron before the pleural suture, usually more or less longitudinally extended

moniliform: (here) antennae with bead-like, slightly elongate and swollen antennomeres


pleuron: (usually) the lateral plate of thoracic segments in beetles

plica: (pl. plicae) (here) a fold or ridge on a beetle elytral surface

posterior: the region of the body parts of the beetle furthest from the head

procoxa: the first segment of fore legs

profemora: the femora of fore legs

pronotum: the notum of the prothorax with highly sclerotized pronotal disc

prosternum: ventral part of the prothorax

protibiae: tibiae of fore legs


sclerites: (here) the sclerotized hooks, spines or plates in the internal sac

scutellum: small, usually triangular shield between the bases of elytra

serrate: in reference to antennae, saw-like, often with a sharp ridge on the outer margin

sinuate: curved in some way

sulcate: bearing the carinae or ridges on the elytron

sutural angle: the posterior angle or apex of the elytron near the suture


tarsomere: one of the segments of the tarsus

tarsus: (pl. tarsi) the fifth, the most distal, part of the beetle leg, divided into a few segments

tibia: (pl. tibiae) the forth part of the beetle leg articulated with femur on the one side and with tarsus on the other side

tinge: (here) to add a trace or shadow of the different color to a basic color of a beetle body part

trochanter: second segment of the beetle leg, located between the coxa and femur, usually small, but relatively large in Diabrotica


vertex: the upper part of the head capsule behind the eyes

vittate: (here) marked by longitudinally extended maculae different from the basic color of elytron