About TortID

Material examined

Thousands of specimens were examined during the construction of TortID. Adults were used to study wing pattern, male and female genitalia, and secondary sexual structures. Larvae were used to study chaetotaxychaetotaxy:
the arrangement of setae (in reference to Lepidoptera larvae), often depicted on a "setal map"
along with other morphological features. While it was not possible to document every specimen examined over the course of the project, much of the data is provided below (all data files are in PDF format and open in a new window).

Institutions or individuals who loaned specimens or data listed here are credited in the Acknowledgments.

Adult genitalia log

The slides and specimens listed here were used to produce photos of male and female genitalia for the fact sheets and interactive keys. Existing slides from the Smithsonian (USNM numbers) were used for some photos, while new slides were created by Todd Gilligan (TMG numbers) for the remaining taxa. See the TortID genitalia slide log.

Larvae examined log

Many of the larvae used to define morphological characters for the interactive larval key are listed here. Other individuals and species not listed here were also examined. See the TortID larvae examined log.