TortID (the successor of TortAI) is designed to aid in the identification of tortricid adults encountered during domestic surveys and tortricid larvae encountered during quarantine inspections at United States ports of entry. This resource includes interactive identification keys, detailed fact sheets, an illustrated glossary, information and videos on dissecting and preparing specimens, and identification thumbnail galleries. The interactive identification keys are created in Lucid v4.
There are some important differences between TortAI and TortID.
TortID was developed and published by the USDA-APHIS-PPQ Science and Technology’s Identification Technology Program. Funding for TortID was provided through the Plant Protection Act Section 7721 in cooperative agreements to the University of Hawai'i at Manoa, Colorado State University, California State Department of Agriculture, and Cornell University.
Photographic images were produced by the authors unless otherwise credited. The photographers and organizations who gave permission to use their images are credited in the fact sheets and/or in the Acknowledgments. All drawings were produced by Todd Gilligan using Adobe Illustrator.
See Copyright, citation, and disclaimers for information about use of content on these pages and in the key.
The purpose of TortID is to aid in the identification of tortricid adults encountered during domestic surveys and tortricid pupae and larvae intercepted during quarantine inspections at United States ports of entry. Because the world tortricid fauna is too large to treat as a whole, this resource is not designed to identify every tortricid, but rather to reliably eliminate or confirm major pests and common non-targets if or when they are encountered. It may not be possible to identify many tortricid larvae using only morphological characters. The Barcode of Life Data Systems (BOLD; DNA barcode sequence database is recommended for identifiers with sequencing capabilities to confirm DNA barcodes for the larvae of most taxa treated here. As of the time of publishing of TortID, BOLD's taxonomy has been recently updated and most of its identifications have been verified by tortricid experts.
TortID is designed for use by persons in the continental United States performing domestic surveys for exotic species or encountering exotic species during port inspections (taxa originating from Hawaii are treated as exotic). Although much of the information can be applied to other parts of the world, identification characters for adults, pupae, and larvae (outlined below) are specific to the scope of the keys and may lead to ambiguous or misleading results when used outside of this context. TortID is not designed or intended to be used as a general resource for identifying all tortricid species.
Android and iOS apps are available for TortAI here. An updated app for TortID is not yet available.
For information concerning TortID or to offer any feedback or comments, please contact the authors.