

aciculate: referring to longitudinal groves or scratches that can appear coarse as if made by a knife or fine as if lightly scratched with a needle

acuminate: tapering to a long point

alutaceous: engraved fine reticulation

antenna: paired segmental sensory appendages borne on each side of the head; comprised of  (from proximal to distal) the scape, pedicel, funicle and club

antennal: pertaining to the antennae

anterior: the front or forward; opposite of posterior

anterolateral: relating to the anterior and lateral parts of the side part/portion

apex: point or edge furthest from the body; opposite of base

asperate: covered in asperities

asperity: small flat denticle-like structures frequently arranged in rows or confined to specific areas

attenuate:  gradually tapering apically


base: point or edge closest to the body; opposite of apex

bisulcate: pertaining to an elytral declivity with two suci; a sulcus present on each elytron but the suture remains convex


carina: an elevated ridge or keel, not necessarily high or acute

circumdeclivital ring: a costa that completely encircles the elytral declivity

club: the broadened, flattened end of antenna, in Xyleborini comprised of three segments

concave: appearing hollowed out

confused: of markings, having indefinite outlines or running together as lines or spots without definite pattern; usually referring to punctures

convex: appearing rounded

corneous: horn-like; applied to antennal club

costa: elevated ridge that is rounded at its crest, not necessarily with sharp appearance


declivital: pertaining to the elytral declivity

declivity: downward slope of either the pronotum or elytra

denticle: a small tooth, the sides of which are equal and the tip is above the middle of the base

denticulate: covered in denticles

dimorphic: appearing in two distinct forms. In xyleborines the male is haploid, smaller then the female, flightless and often with a strongly impressed pronotum 

disc: the flat central upper surface of any body part (e.g. pronotum and elytra)

discal: pertaining to the disc of either the pronotum or elytra

distal: situated away from the body

divaricate: forked, divided into two branches

dorsal:  of or relating to the upper surface; opposite of ventral


elytral:  pertaining to the elytra

elytron:   the two sclerotized forewings of beetles that protect and cover the flight wings

emarginate: notched at the margin

entire:  without marginal teeth or notches

epistoma:  the sclerotized region of the head above the mandibles and below the frons  

epistomal:  pertaining to the epistoma

erect:  pertaining to setae that have their apices directed away from the body and appear straight

excavated:  with a depression that is not in a segment of a circle

explanate:  spread out and flattened; applied to a margin


frons:  region of the head from just above the epistoma to a point that is just dorsal to the inner apices of the eyes

frontal:  pertaining to the frons

funicle:  part of the antenna that is proximal to the club; composed of 2-4 segments in xyleborines.


glabrous:  smooth, devoid of vestiture

granulate:  pertaining to a coarse, grainy surface texture 

granule:  a small rounded protuberance, like grains of sand

ground vestiture:  minute recumbent vestiture


impressed:  a depression in a surface

inflated:  blown up; distended

interstria:  longitudinal spaces along the elytra between the striae, which is not as
impressed and bear smaller punctures.


lateral:  pertaining to the side

laterally diverging:  pertaining to striae and/or interstriae that are laterally displaced along their length


medial:  situated near the median plane of the body or body part

mucro:  a short, sharp pointed process

mycangia:  structures used to carry fungal symbionts; highly morphologically variable 

mycangial tuft:  tuft of setae that denotes the mycangia exterior opening


obliquely truncate:  nearly truncate but rounded not flat in lateral view

opalescent:  iridescent, showing vaying colors

opaque:  appearing dull in luster; referring to a surface which reflects little light


pedicel:  distal to the funicle; the stem supporting the funicle

posterior: toward the rear end; opposite of anterior

posterolateral:  relating to end of the side part/portion

produced:  referring to a part of the exoskeleton that is extended, lengthened or elevated

pronotal:  pertaining to the pronotum

pronotum:  the dorsal surface of the thorax

protibia:  tibia of the first pair of legs

proximal:  situated closer to the body

pubescence: fine short setae

punctate:  set with fine impressed points, appearing as pin pricks


quadrate:  square-like in shape


recumbent:  pertaining to setae that are flat against the cuticle

reticulate: superficially netlike or made up of a network of lines

rugose: appearing wrinkled


scale: a flattened seta

scape: the first segment of the antenna; attached to the head

scutellum: a shield-like sclerotized plate located at the midpoint of the elytral base 

semi-recumbent: pertaining to setae that are in between erect and recumbent, usually at a 45 degree angle

seriate: arranged or occurring in rows

serration: row of asperities; a saw-like structure 

seta: small hair-like or scale-like structure

shagreened: covered with a closely-set roughness, like shark skin 

shining: appearing glossy or bright in luster; referring to a surface that is polished and reflects light well

spine: an elongate projection of the exoskeleton that is longer than its basal width

stria: punctures in rows, which may or may not be impressed to make grooves

subquadrate: almost quadrate, with oblique corners

sulcate: deeply furrowed or grooved

sulcus: a groove or furrow

summit: highest point, used for pronotum and elytra, denotes the peak between pronotal frontal slope and disc, and between elytral disc and declivity


truncate: appearing cut off or suddenly shortened

tubercle: a small knob-like or rounded protuberance of the exoskeleton


ventral: of or relating to the lower surface; opposite of dorsal

vestiture: the surface covering composed of setae