Diuncus javanus

  Diuncus javanus nbsp;lateral; R.K. Osborn

Diuncus javanus lateral; R.K. Osborn

  Diuncus javanus nbsp;dorsal; R.K. Osborn

Diuncus javanus dorsal; R.K. Osborn

  Diuncus javanus nbsp;declivity; R.K. Osborn

Diuncus javanus declivity; R.K. Osborn

  Diuncus javanus nbsp;frontal; R.K. Osborn

Diuncus javanus frontal; R.K. Osborn

Taxonomic history

Xyleborus javanus Eggers, 1923: 188.

Diuncus javanus (Eggers): Hulcr and Cognato, 2009: 32.


Xyleborus perdix Schedl, 1939a: 351. Schedl, 1960b: 109.


2.5−2.7 mm long (mean = 2.62 mm; n = 5); 2.08−2.25 times as long as wide. This species can be distinguished by the elytralelytral:
pertaining to the elytra
summit transversely impressedimpressed:
a depression in a surface
with a saddle-like depression; declivitaldeclivital:
pertaining to the elytral declivity
point or edge closest to the body; opposite of apex
armed by two pairs of denticlesdenticle:
a small tooth, the sides of which are equal and the tip is above the middle of the base
, one pair on interstriaeinterstria:
longitudinal spaces along the elytra between the striae, which is not as<br /> impressed and bear smaller punctures.
2 and the other on interstriaeinterstria:
longitudinal spaces along the elytra between the striae, which is not as<br /> impressed and bear smaller punctures.
3; bicolored elytraelytron:
the two sclerotized forewings of beetles that protect and cover the flight wings
and pronotumpronotum:
the dorsal surface of the thorax
that are darker on the apicalapex:
point or edge furthest from the body; opposite of base
areas; interstrial setaeseta:
small hair-like or scale-like structure
pertaining to setae that are flat against the cuticle
, thick, scale-like, in uniseriate rows; and striaestria:
punctures in rows, which may or may not be impressed to make grooves
smooth, devoid of vestiture

May be confused with

Diuncus corpulentus and D. dossuarius


Brunei, Indonesia (Java, Sumatra, Sulawesi), East & West Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand

Host plants

polyphagous (Kalshoven 1959bKalshoven 1959b:
Kalshoven LGE. 1959b. Studies on the biology of Indonesian Scolytoidea 4. Data on the habits of Scolytidae. Second part. Tijdschrift voor Entomologie 102: 135-173 + pls. 15-22.
, Browne 1961aBrowne 1961a:
Browne FG. 1961a. Borer beetles from Bako National Park (Sarawak). Sarawak Museum Journal 10: 300-318.

DNA data

specimens not available for sequencing