

abaxial: dorsal; on the side that is away from the axis (in nutlets, the side facing outwards); (compare adaxial)

accrescent: growing continuously

achene: a dry, indehiscent, one-seeded fruit, with seed attached to pericarp at a single point, derived from a single, superior, simple or compound, one-loculed ovary

acuminate: tapering gradually to a point and forming more or less concave sides

acute: tapering to a pointed apex with more or less straight sides

adaxial: ventral; on the side that is towards the axis (in nutlets, the side facing inwards), (compare abaxial)

aggregate: fruit formed from a single flower with carpels several and distinct

alveolate: surface relief—reticulated, honeycombed; ridges that intersect to form polygonal cells with a regular size and shape similar to a honeycomb

angular: 2D shape—having sides that meet at acute or obtuse angles  

annular: 3D shape—forming a ring

anomalicidal: type of capsular dehiscence, opening irregularly

anthocarp: simple or compound and including some tissue of non-ovarian origin (accessory tissue)

antrorse: (adv. antrorsely) curved or bent toward the apex (as in 'antrorsely barbed')

apex: the point farthest from the point of attachment, or the "tip" of an organ

apical: at or pertaining to the end of the seed or fruit distal from its point of attachment (i.e., base)

apocarpous: gynoecium with two or more distinct carpels

appressed: pressed close to or lying flat against something, as in hairs on grass bract

areole: homologous to axillary or lateral bud located within a pit or groove in the stem, which may give rise to spines, glochids, vegetative branches, or floral branches, in Cactaceae

aril: (broad sense) appendicular structure that wholly or partly envelops a seed and is produced from or a modification of the funicle, raphe, or outer integument; usually fleshy or pulpy, sometimes spongy or tufted-capillate, often brightly colored

aristate: having a bristle-like appendage (e.g., awn)

article: section of a fruit separated from other sections by a constricted joint

awn: a narrow, bristle-like organ, as on the glumes or lemmas of grasses

axial: (of embryo) embryo is situated along the longitudinal axis of the seed and may partially or completely fill the seed

axile: on or of the axis

axis: a straight line through the center of a structure around which the parts are usually symmetrically arranged, as in the stem or rachis of an inflorescence


barbed: (of awns or bristles) with short, sharp, hair-like projections

barbellate: finely or minutely barbed; covered with short, hooked bristles or hairs

basal: at or pertaining to the point of attachment; (of embryo) embryo occupies one end of the seed

beak: a usually firm, terminal appendage, sometimes tapered

bent: (of embryo) embryo is bent at an acute, V-shaped angle with the ends close together and generally thick cotyledons

berry: an indehiscent, fleshy fruit with one or a few to many seeds. The flesh may be homogenous throughout. Or, if the outer part is hard, firm, or leathery, referred to as an hesperidium. Septa are present in some, and the seeds may be arillate or with a fleshy testa.

bifid: two-lobed or two-cleft (usually in reference to an apex)

bilocular: (ovary or fruit) having two locules

biseriate: arranged in two rows; e.g. seeds arranged in two rows within a locule

blistered: surface relief—covered with irregular raised, hollow granules that give the surface a bubbled appearance

bony: very hard and rather brittle, like bone

bract: a leaf-like or scale-like plant part, located just below a fruit (especially in grasses), flower, flower stalk, or an inflorescence

bristly: having bristles or stiff hair or hair-like structures


C-shaped: 2D-shape—semiannulate, curved into the shape of the letter 'C'

callus: the hard base of grass florets or spikelets, just above the point of disarticulation

calyx: the outer whorl of the perianth; all the sepals of a flower

campanulate: 3D shape—bell-shaped, circular in cross-section, inflated proximally, broadening gradually until flared distally

capitate: head-shaped; abruptly enlarged on one end to a relatively short, terminal portion

capsule: a dry, dehiscent fruit derived from a compound ovary

carcerulus: simple, multicarpellate, indehiscent fruit consisting of one or more seeds and air space enclosed by an undifferentiated pericarp (Spjut 1994)

carpel: a simple pistil that consists of a single ovary, style, and stigma

carpophore: the stalk supporting a mericarp after dehiscence of a schizocarpic fruit, the central axis of the fruit having split longitudinally to yield two or four such stalks; composed of receptacular and (primarily) gynoecial tissues, esp. in Apiaceae

carpopodium: an elongation of the base of the gynoecium which looks distinct, as in the cypselae of some Asteraceae

cartilaginous: texture—firm, dense, tough, somewhat pliable, and resilient, like cartilage

caruncle: a localized outgrowth of the seed coat near the hilum of the seed; it functions as an elaiosome

caryopsis: a small, indehiscent, dry, fruit with a thin wall surrounding and more or less fused to a single seed

caudate: tapering to a long, tail-like appendage

ceratium capsule: capsular fruit that opens by a separation or break in the pericarp layers, usually the inner parts—replum, styles, parietal placentae—persistent and often setaceous, skeletal or partitional, or the endocarp dehiscent (Spjut 1994)

cerebriform: an irregular brain-like appearance, as the kernel of a walnut

chalaza: the region at the base of the ovule where the integuments are inserted

chartaceous: =papery, papyraceous

ciliate: with a marginal fringe of hairs

circinate: 3D shape—terete and rolled downward from the apex in a tight coil

circular: (of embryo) linear embryo is curved into an "O" shape

circumscissile: (~pyxis); type of capsular dehiscence, opens by a lid (splitting transversely)

clathrate: latticelike in appearance

clavate: 3D shape—club-shaped, with attachment at or near narrow end (compare obclavate)

claviform: 3D shape—club-shaped

coccus: fruitlets, derived from a schizocarpous gynoecium, opening along their ventral sutures and sometimes the dorsal sutures as a result of their separation from one another or from a central axis (Spjut 1994, slight modification)

cochleate: snail-shell-shaped. Relatively broad and short, basically round in transverse section, resembling a rapidly tapering spire overall, the exterior helically convoluted; like a snail shell

coiled: (of embryo) linear embryo is very long and bent to form a coil whereby one end of the embryo is on the outside and the other end near the middle of the seed

colliculate: surface relief—covered with small, round projections, similar to blistered

columella: any pedestal-like prolongation of a floral receptacle extending beyond the distalmost level of perianth insertion and bearing the gynoecium; the stalk supporting a mericarp after dehiscence of a schizocarpic fruit, the central axis of the fruit having split longitudinally to yield two or four such stalks; composed of receptacular and (primarily) gynoecial tissues, especially in Apiaceae. See carpophore.

coma: a tuft of hairs, often attached to the tip of seeds

commissure: the face along which two carpels join, as in the Apiaceae

compressed: flattened; in grasses, used to denote compression (not necessarily flattened) either laterally or dorsiventrally

conical: 3D shape—cone-shaped, with the point of attachment at the broad end

connivent: converging but not fused

cordate: 2D shape—heart-shaped, with attachment at or near the broad end (compare obcordate)

cordiform: 3D shape—heart-shaped

coriaceous: texture—leathery

corky: firm, relatively light, discontinuous but strongly cohesive, and resilient

corolla: the inner whorl(s) of the perianth; all the petals of a flower

cotyledon: a primary leaf of the embryo

craspedium: a one-carpellate fruit splitting transversely into one-seeded segments; seed-bearing segments separate from each other and from the persistent sutures

crenate: having a margin with low, rounded or scalloped projections

crenulate: finely crenate (scalloped)

crescent-shaped: 2D shape—arcuate or curved, broadest at the middle, and attenuate to acute ends; like a stylized outline of a first-quarter moon

crisped: irregularly curled, wavy or crinkled

cristate: with a crest

crustaceous: texture—thin, dry, indurate, and brittle

cuneiform: =wedge-shaped

curved: (of embryo) linear embryo is curved into an arch or horseshoe with the ends far apart

cylindrical: 3D shape—a cylinder, with parallel sides and a circular cross-section; tubular or rod-shaped

cymbiform: 3D shape - boat-shaped, navicular

cypsela: dry, indehiscent, unilocular fruit with a single seed not adnate to the pericarp, similar to an achene but developed from an inferior ovary. Fruit type of Asteraceae.


D-shaped: 2D shape—has one straight margin and one curved margin, resembling the shape of the letter D

deciduous: falling off; not persistent

dehiscent: (v. dehisce) splitting open at maturity to release contents (of a fruit)

dentate: regularly spaced, teeth oriented more or less perpendicular to the central axis bearing them

denticidal: type of capsular dehiscence, fruit opening by a series of apical teeth

didymous: 3D shape—paired, usually inflated and appears as two globose to ovoid halves pressed together

dimorphic: occurring in two forms

dioecious: having separate male and female flowers or cones on different individuals of the same species

discoid: 3D shape—resembling a disc

disseminule: detachable plant part capable of being disseminated and of propagating, commonly a seed or fruit

dolabriform: 3D shape—axe-shaped, elongate, basally terete, becoming strongly compressed toward an abruptly and unilaterally broader apex

dorsal: abaxial; the back of an organ; the side away from the axis (compare ventral)

dorsally compressed: fruit or seed compressed in one plane bringing the back (outer surface, or surface facing away from the axis) closer to the front (inner surface, or surface facing the axis)

dorsiventral: pertaining to the dorsal and ventral surfaces

drupe: (indehiscent drupe) a fleshy, indehiscent fruit with one more hard pits enclosing seeds, derived from single, superior, simple or compound ovary; (dehiscent drupe) a fruit with a dry or fibrous to fleshy or leathery outer husk that early to tardily breaks apart (or opens), exposing one or more nutlike pits enclosing the seeds

drupelet: one drupe of a fruit with multiple drupes, as in blackberries

dull: reflecting only a low proportion of incident light, with no apparent sheen


elaiosome: a lipid and protein-rich fleshy structure attached to some seeds and fruits, it attracts ants which then disperse the disseminule (e.g., caruncle in the Euphorbiaceae, the aril (outgrowth of the funiculus) in the Fabaceae)

ellipsoid: 3D shape—elliptic

elliptic: 2D shape—oval, oblong-like with the 2 ends narrowing and more or less alike

emarginate: with a shallow notch at apex

endocarp: the inner layer of the pericarp, if divided into layers

endosperm: nutritive starch- and oil-containing tissue present in many seeds

epicarp: outer layer of fruit wall or pericarp, if divided into layers; note here used synonymously with exocarp

exocarp: outer layer of fruit wall or pericarp, if divided into layers; note here used synonymously with epicarp


falcate: shaped like a scythe or sickle

fascicle: a highly reduced branch of a spicate grass panicle consisting of 1–3 whorls of free or fused bristles disarticulating with the spikelets at maturity

fertile floret: a grass floret capable of producing fruit; the fertile floret may possess both male and female, or just female, reproductive structures

fibrous: texture—long, flexible threads, thicker than hairs, that densely cover and obscure the surface

filled: (of embryo) embryo fills the seed interior with the food reserves stored in the cotyledons; small amounts of endosperm may remain around the embryo

firm: texture—yielding under only moderately strong pressure; only slightly deformable without internal structural disruption

flanged: with a projecting rim or edge

flask-shaped: 3D shape—generally circular in cross-section, broadest at or below the middle, approximately globose below that and constricted above to a relatively narrow neck

fleshy: texture—fairly firm and dense, juicy or at least moist, and easily cut

floret: the unit of a grass spikelet consisting of a flower or caryopsis, with lemma and palea

foliate: appearing leaf-like

follicle: a dry to (rarely) fleshy fruit derived from a single carpel that opens along a single longitudinal suture, derived from a single, superior, simple ovary; the seeds may be arillate or with a fleshy testa

foraminicidal: type of capsular dehiscence, fruits opening irregularly

funiculus: (alt. funicle) stalk connecting the ovule (later seed) to the ovary (later fruit) placenta

fusiform: spindle-shaped; broadest at the middle and tapering at both ends


geniculate: bent like a knee

gibbous: swollen on one side

glabrous: without hairs

glandular: surface relief—covered with small, raised secretory glands, regular or irregularly shaped, translucent or opaque, and maybe distinctly colored

glistening: sparkling with reflected light

globose: 3D shape—more or less spherical

glossy: shiny

glume: one of the (usually) two bracts at the base of a grass spikelet

granular: surface relief—having a grainy surface

grooved: surface relief—linear depressions that may be single or form a series of grooves over the surface

gynobase: an elongation or enlargement of the receptacle

gynophore: stalk-like basal portion of the ovary, bearing the main body of the pistil at its summit


heart-shaped: 2D or 3D shape—one end has prominent double curved into two lobes, the other end angular or pointed

hemispherical: 2D shape—shaped like half a sphere

hesperidium: a specialized berry, derived from a compound ovary, in which the outer layer is hard, firm, or leathery

hilar: of or relating to a hilum

hilum: on seeds, the scar indicating where the funiculus was attached; on grass caryopses, the scar visible on the outer fruit surface revealing where the seed is attached on the inner fruit wall surface; or in Asteraceae cypselae, the scar visible on the outer fruit wall revealing where the fruit was attached to the receptacle

hippocrepiform: 3D shape—horseshoe-shaped

honeycombed: surface relief—raised walls (a reticulum) surround depressed interspaces called interstices

horn: a straight or curved, slenderly conic or conoidal protrusion, resembling an animal horn

horseshoe-shaped: 3D shape—relatively slender and strongly compressed, the whole strongly curved over its length in a plane perpendicular to the direction of compression and forming an incomplete circle, the ends somewhat straighter than the rest and parallel or nearly so

hyaline: thin, membranous, and translucent or transparent

hypocotyl: portion of the embryonic axis below the cotyledons and above the radicle

hypostase: a disk of lignified tissue formed at the base of the ovule


incumbent: (of cotyledons) having the dorsal side of one cotyledon resting against the radicle

indehiscent: not opening on its own, as in a fruit

indurate: texture—hardened or stony; yielding under strong pressure; not deformable without internal structural disruption

inferior: ovary wholly enclosed by a floral tube casing, the distal portions of the perianth and/or androecium thus arising from its apex

infructescence: mature (fruiting) inflorescence

integument: ring-like or hood-like structure(s) that envelopes the nucellus, at maturity is the layers of the seed coat

internode: portion of a stem between two nodes

investing: (of embryo) embryo is nearly or completely filling seed coat, straight, and axile and centric with spatulate cotyledons and covering the stalk for at least half its length; (of cotyledons) cotyledons spatulate and covering the stalk for at least half its length

involucre: in the grasses, a whorl or cluster of bracts or bristles subtending a floret or spikelet

isthmus: (pl. isthmi) a narrow strip of tissue connecting two larger parts


keel: a longitudinal ridge, like the keel of a boat, formed by the lengthwise folding of a structure, such as a lemma or palea

kidney-shaped: 2D shape—broadly elongate and with one margin convex and the opposite side concave, each end bluntly rounded

knotted: 3D shape—a cylindrical or ellipsoid body that is swollen and constricted at intervals; torulose


lanceolate: 2D shape—lance-shaped; much longer than wide, with widest point below the middle, tapering to the apex (compare oblanceolate)

lanceoloid: 3D shape—lanceolate

lateral: (of embryo) embryo lies along the side of the seed, generally towards one end; of, at, or from the side; in grasses, can refer to the sides adjacent to the dorsal and ventral sides

laterally compressed: fruit or seed compressed in one plane at the sides bringing them closer together

leathery: texture—moderately thick, tough, and very pliable

legume: a usually dry, dehiscent fruit derived from a single carpel that opens along two longitudinal sutures, derived from a single, superior, simple ovary

lemma: in grasses, the lower of the two bracts subtending the flower or caryopsis (compare palea)

lens: a mound, pad, or area of tissue situated near the hilum on seeds in the Mimosoideae and Caesalpinioideae

lens-shaped: 2D shape—round and flattened with two curved (convex) surfaces

lenticular: 3D shape—lens-shaped; biconvex

lepidote: bearing scales, scaly, squamate, squamose

ligneous: woody

linear: (shape) long, narrow, and uniform in width; (of embryo) embryo is straight and much longer than wide

locule: structurally distinct compartment with the fruit

loculicidal: type of capsular dehiscence, opening longitudinally through the locules (compare septicidal)

loment: a usually dry fruit derived from a single carpel that breaks transversely into one-seeded fruit segments, derived from a single, superior, simple ovary

lomentoid: resembling a loment

longitudinal: of or relating to length or the lengthwise dimension

lustrous: semiglossy


macropodous: an embryo having an enlarged or elongated hypocotyl

marginal: at, on, or close to the margin or border

mealy: loose, dry, and disintegrating in finely granular pieces like meal or flour

membranous: texture—extremely thin, pliable, and fairly tough

mericarp: a one-seeded section (carpel) of a schizocarp, as in Apiaceae fruits (compare schizocarp)

mesocarp: the middle layer of the pericarp, if divided into layers

micropylar collar: collar shaped tissue at micropyle

micropyle: an opening in the integuments of an ovule usually acting as a passage for the pollen tube

mitaform: shaped like a child's mitten

moniliform: elongate, relatively slender, transversely round, and more or less regularly constricted over its length, the whole straight or variously curved; like a necklace of beads, see torulose

monocarpellary: ovary or fruit having one carpel

monoecious: having separate male and female flowers on the same individual

mottled: with colored spots, streaks, or blotches of a different color

mucilaginous: resembling mucilage; moist and sticky

mucronate: terminating with a short, sharp, abrupt tip

mucronulate: diminutive of mucronate

multiple: fruit formed from several flowers clustered in one mass

multiseriate: occurring in more than one series

muricate: surface relief—rough with small, hard, sharp projections

myxogenic: mucilaginous when wetted


nucellus: complex structure that produces and encloses the megagametophyte (embryo sac)

nut: a fairly large, indehiscent, dry fruit with a thick and bony wall surrounding a single seed, derived from a single, simple or compound ovary

nutlet: ˜achene

nutritive tissue: tissue within the seeds that nourishes the developing embryo; such as endosperm, perisperm, or chalazosperm in angiosperms; megagametophyte in gymnosperms


obclavate: 3D shape—club-shaped, with attachment at or near the broad end (compare clavate)

obconic: 2D shape—cone-shaped, with attachment at or near the narrow end

obconical: 3D shape—inversely cone-shaped, with point of attachment at narrow end

obcordate: 2D shape—heart-shaped, with attachment at or near the narrow end (compare cordate)

oblanceolate: 2D shape—lance-shaped, with attachment at or near the narrow end (compare lanceolate)

oblate: depressed globose

oblique: in a slanting direction or position, neither horizontal nor vertical

oblong: 2D shape—much longer than broad with nearly parallel sides, corners are rounded

obovate: 2D shape—ovate or egg-shaped in outline, with attachment at or near the narrow end (compare ovate, ovoid)

obovoid: 3D shape—obovate

obpyramidal: 3D shape—pyramid-shaped, with point of attachment at or near narrow end (compare pyramidal)

obtriangular: 2D shape—inversely triangular, with point of attachment at narrow end

obtuse: with a blunt or rounded apex

opaque: not transmitting light

operculum: a dehiscent cap (or lid) of a seed or fruit that opens during germination or dehiscence

orbicular: 2D shape—circular in outline, 3D shape—globose

orthodox: (of seed) seed that can be dried to low moisture levels

oval: 2D shape—elongate, widest at the middle, and symmetrically convex-attenuate to rounded ends

ovate: 2D shape—egg-shaped in outline, widest point is towards one end of the organ, the other end tapers gradually, attachment at or near the broad end (compare obovate, ovoid)

ovoid: 3D shape—ovate

ovule: organ that contains the egg and after fertilization, becomes the seed


palea: in grasses, the uppermost bract enclosing the flower or caryopsis (compare lemma)

panduriform: 3D shape—fiddle-shaped, obovate with deep, rounded sinuses opposite one another

papery: texture—papyraceous, chartaceous; very thin, pliable, and readily torn; like paper

papilla: a minute, distinct, broad-based projection, tapering to a rounded apex

papillate: surface relief—bearing minute, distinct, broad-based projections, tapering to a rounded apex

pappus: the modified calyx in the Asteraceae, composed of hairs, bristles, awns, or scales

partial: (of embryo) embryo occupies over one-quarter of the seed interior but less than full, with some endosperm present. Partial embryo size is common in families with spatulate, linear, and curved embryo shapes.

pedicel: the stalk of a flower

pedicellate: borne on a pedicel

peduncle: stalk of an inflorescence

peltiform: 3D shape—shield-shaped

perianth: collective term for calyx and corolla of a flower

pericarp: fruit wall or fruit coat

pericarpel: shoot-derived vegetative tissue that encloses the portion of the receptacle where the ovary and the stamens originate, differs from hypanthium in that lateral buds (areoles) are present, also known as "flower shoot", Cactaceae

perigynium: a sac-like structure surrounding the ovary

peripheral: (of embryo) embryo is curved around the outer edge of the seed, near the seed coat

perisperm: seed nutritive tissue comparable to the endosperm, but derived from the nucellus (maternal tissue)

petal: a member of the inner envelope of a flower (corolla)

phytomelan: carbonaceous, opaque material that usually covers the seed coat to give it a black appearance, common in certain monocot families

pilose: having thin, soft, long hairs

pitted: surface relief—surface with small depressions in which the areas between the hollows do not take on the appearance of a true reticular net

placenta: surface of the ovary that bears ovules

plano-convex: 2D or 3D shape—flat on one side, convex on the other

pleurogram: a U-shaped line on both seed faces resulting from a gaping break in the outer seed coat cells (exotestal palisades), present in Fabaceae subfamilies Mimosoideae and Caesalpinioideae

plumose: (of a hair or bristle) feather-like

polygonal: =angular

pome: an indehiscent, fleshy fruit with accessory floral tube tissue adnate to the pericarp, outer wall thick and fleshy, interior contains papery or cartilaginous structures enclosing the seeds, derived from a single, inferior, compound ovary

poricidal: type of capsular dehiscence, fruit opening by pores or flaps (often near the top)

prismatic: like a prism; with sharp, definite angles and flat sides

pseudopleurogram: a colored line visible on the seed coat that appears like the pleurogram

puberulent: surface relief—(or puberulous) bearing minute, soft hairs

pubescent: surface relief—bearing hairs

punctate: surface relief—dotted with pits or with translucent, sunken glands or with colored dots, similar to pitted

punctiform: like a point

pustular: surface relief—with small blisters or pustules

pyramidal: 3D shape—pyramid-shaped (compare obpyramidal)

pyrene: the hard inner portion of a drupe, consisting of a bony endocarp and an enclosed seed


quadrangular: 2D shape—four-sided, as in a square or rectangle


rachilla: the main axis of the spikelet in grasses

rachis: the main axis of the inflorescence in grasses or of a compound leaf (frond) in ferns or palms

radicle: the embryonic root of the embryo

raphe: a ridge or seam on the seed coat, formed by the portion of the funiculus united to the ovule wall in longitudinally curved ovules

recalcitrant: (of seed) seed cannot be dried below relatively high moisture levels

reniform: 2D or 3D shape—kidney-shaped

replum: the rim, formed by the persistent placentas, and connected by a false septum in Brassicaceae fruits. The fruit valves are attached to this rim and separate from it in dehiscent fruits.

reticulate: surface relief—netted, raised walls or concave grooves forming a net-like surface pattern with flat, concave, or convex interspaces

revolute: with margins rolled downward, or to the lower side

rhombic: 2D shape—diamond-shaped in outline; having the form of a rhombus

ribbed: surface relief—wide, prominent, linear ridges that are generally rounded and longitudinally situated on the surface

ridged: surface relief—raised, thick ridges, sharp edged or rounded, usually in a series that may cover the entire surface

roughened: texture—having a small, stout, stiff, more or less acute protrusions

round: 2D shape—orbiculate; circular

rudimentary: (of embryo) embryo is small and fills less than a quarter of the seed and can be variable in shapes, such as linear, spatulate, or oval

rugose: =wrinkled

ruminate: testa or seed coat folded into the endosperm


samara: a winged, indehiscent, dry fruit containing a single (rarely two) seed(s)

sarcotesta: pulpy or fleshy outer layer of the seed coat, simulates aril

scabrate: surface relief—rough, having small, stout, stiff, more or less acute protrusions

scale: general term for short, thin, flat bracts or hairs

scaly: surface relief—covered with small, thin, fine scales or flakes that may be removable

scarious: texture—dry, thin, membranous, non-green, more or less translucent

schizocarp: usually dry fruit splitting between two or more locules to form distinct, indehiscent, usually one seeded segments; fruit derived from a single, superior or inferior, compound ovary; compare to mericarp

sclerified: texture—hardened

scutellum: the single, relatively large cotyledon of a grass embryo

sectoroid: 3D shape—a wedge-shaped slice taken from an ovoid or globose structure (2D shape, sector-shaped)

sepal: a member of the outer envelope of a flower (calyx)

septate: structure with one or more septa

septicidal: type of capsular dehiscence, opening longitudinally by separating between the septa of adjacent carpels

septifragal: type of capsular dehiscence, splitting through the exterior wall suture(s) but not the septum(-a), the valves of the wall then separating from the septum(-a) and the locules thus opened directly to the outside

septum: (pl. septa) a dividing cross wall or partition

serrate: having a saw-toothed margin, i.e., a margin notched with toothlike projections

serrulate: a minutely serrate margin

sessile: attached without a stalk

shiny: uniformly reflecting a high proportion of incident light at all angles

silique: (includes silicle) a fruit derived from a 2-loculed, single, superior compound ovary in which the two halves of the fruit split away from a persistent partition (around the rim of which the seeds are attached)

simple: fruit formed from a single flower with one pistil, solitary carpel or several fused carpels

sorosis: a multiple fruit composed of two or more fleshy fruitlets that developed on a peduncle

spatulate: 2D shape—like a spatula; rounded at the apex, with base long and tapered; (of embryo) embryo is straight and axile and centric with the cotyledons expanded to form the shape of a spatula or spoon; (of cotyledons) cotyledons expanded and wider than the stalk but not invested into the stalk

spherical: 3D shape—globose

spicule: a small, pointed, epidermal appendage

spikelet: basic unit of the grass inflorescence, commonly consisting of a pair of glumes and one to many florets

spiny: having slender, stiff, sharp projections oriented in the general plane of the structure

spongy: soft, light, discontinuous but cohesive, and somewhat resilient

square: 2D shape—geometric figure bounded by 4 straight sides of equal length and 4 90º-angles

staminodes: a modified, sterile stamen

star-shaped: (of fruit), having a distal aspect like the stylized shape of a star, usually found in aggregate versus simple fruit

stellate: star-shaped; with radiating branches

sterile: lacking male and/or female reproductive parts; also, not producing fruit or seed

stigma: the portion of the pistil receptive to pollen

stipe: a stalk

stipitate: borne on a stalk

striate: surface relief—having fine, parallel lines, grooves or ridges

strophiole: appendage or outgrowth of seed coat near the hilum and micropyle

style: in a flower, the narrow and elongated part of the pistil between the stigma and the ovary; sometimes persisting in fruit

style base: remnant of a style

stylopodium: a discoid enlargement at the base of the styles, esp. in Apiaceae

sub-: a prefix meaning slightly, somewhat, or nearly (used with a descriptive term), or below (used with an anatomical term)

subglobose: 3D shape—almost globose

succulent: texture—herbaceous and juicy, often thickened

sulcate: surface relief—having one or more elongate, relatively narrow and shallow depressions or grooves

superior: ovary not enclosed to any degree by a floral tube casing, the perianth and/or androecium thus arising beneath (proximal to) it

suture: a line of fusion; a seam

syncarp: fruit derived from fusion of numerous ovaries in a many-flowered inflorescence

syncarpous: gynoecium with two or more united carpels


tawny: brownish-yellow; tan

teardrop-shaped: 2D shape—widest point is toward one end of the fruit, the other end tapers sharply to a pointed end

tepal: a member of the perianth, when it cannot be differentiated into a calyx and corolla

terete: approximately circular in cross section; width and thickness approximately equal

testa: seed coat

thick: having or being of relatively great depth

thin: having or being of relatively little depth

tomentellous: surface relief—slightly tomentose

tomentose: surface relief—pubescence that is bent and matted, forming a woolly coating; often the hairs are silver or gray-colored

torulose: 3D shape—a cylindrical or ellipsoid body that is swollen and constricted at intervals

transection: a cross section; representing a plane made by cutting across an organ at a right angle to its length

translucent: transmitting light uniformly and diffusely

transverse: lying, situated, or placed across

triangular: 2D shape—three relatively straight sides with distinct corners; more angular than teardrop-shaped

trichome: a hair or hairlike outgrowth of the epidermis

trigonous: 3D shape—having three faces that meet at distinct angles; triangular in outline

trilocular: (ovary or fruit) having three locules

truncate: terminating abruptly, as if cut straight across

tuberculate: surface relief—bearing small, warty, swelling, rounded, or variously shaped projections

tubuliform: having the form of a tube or cylinder

turbinate: 3D shape—broadly obovoid-obconic


umbo: a rounded protuberance on both faces of some seeds in the Mimosoideae, such as those of Prosopis

undulate: wavy-margined

uniseriate: arranged in a single row; e.g. seeds arranged in a single row within a locule

urceolate: 3D shape—urn-shaped, hollow and contracted near the apex

utricle: a small, indehiscent, dry fruit with a thin wall (bladderlike) that is loose and free from the seed, derived from a single, superior, simple ovary


valve: in fruits, one of the parts into which a fruit separates at maturity

veined: surface relief—lines that intersect in a vein pattern that is flush or slightly raised from the surface

ventral: adaxial; of the side of an organ facing the axis (compare dorsal)

verrucose: surface relief—warty, covered with wart-like projections

villous: surface relief—covered with long, soft, fine hairs

vitta: (pl. vittae) an oil or resin tube in the pericarp of many Apiaceae fruits


waisted: in grass caryopses, refers to an embryo visible on the caryopsis surface that is constricted in the middle

warty: surface relief—distinct, rounded projections that are large relative to the fruit size; tuberculate, verrucose

wedge-shaped: 2D shape—triangular and tapering to a point at the base

with hooks: bristles or spines with curved or backwards pointing tips, or with secondary bristles along their length

with spikes: thick outgrowths that have a flared base and are thicker than spines

woody: texture—consisting mainly of indurate lignified tissues, characteristic of or resembling wood

wrinkled: surface relief—shallow, irregular folds and furrows covering the surface; appearing overall though crumpled and then spread out