
  Immanus sarawakensis ; R.K. Osborn

Immanus sarawakensis; R.K. Osborn

  Immanus sarawakensis ; R.K. Osborn

Immanus sarawakensis; R.K. Osborn

  Immanus sarawakensis ; R.K. Osborn

Immanus sarawakensis; R.K. Osborn

  Immanus sarawakensis ; R.K. Osborn

Immanus sarawakensis; R.K. Osborn

  Immanus desectus ; R.K. Osborn

Immanus desectus; R.K. Osborn


Immanus Hulcr and Cognato, 2013: 100.


This is the largest xyleborine genus with species ranging between 5.00−8.80 mm (Hulcr and Cognato 2013Hulcr and Cognato 2013:
Hulcr J, Cognato AI. 2013. Xyleborini of New Guinea: a taxonomic monograph. Thomas Say Publications in Entomology, Entomological Society of America, Lanham, Maryland, 176 pp.
). Immanus can be distinguished by its large size; robust form (1.97−2.50 times as long as wide); truncatetruncate:
appearing cut off or suddenly shortened
downward slope of either the pronotum or elytra
; pronotumpronotum:
the dorsal surface of the thorax
the front or forward; opposite of posterior
margin with elevated carinacarina:
an elevated ridge or keel, not necessarily high or acute
or a row of 4−6 coarse asperities; pronotalpronotal:
pertaining to the pronotum
the flat central upper surface of any body part (e.g. pronotum and elytra)
covered in asperities
; tibial denticlesdenticle:
a small tooth, the sides of which are equal and the tip is above the middle of the base
reduced or absent on meso- and metatibiae; tibial edge very uneven and rugged; scutellumscutellum:
a shield-like sclerotized plate located at the midpoint of the elytral base 
flat, flush with elytra; procoxae contiguous; and mycangial tufts absent.

May be confused with

Ambrosiodmus and Beaverium



Gallery system

The gallery system is branched and lies in one transverse plane (Kalshoven 1959bKalshoven 1959b:
Kalshoven LGE. 1959b. Studies on the biology of Indonesian Scolytoidea 4. Data on the habits of Scolytidae. Second part. Tijdschrift voor Entomologie 102: 135-173 + pls. 15-22.


The genus was recently reviewed by Beaver et al. 2019Beaver et al. 2019:
Beaver RA, Sittichaya W, Liu L-Y. 2019. A review of the genus Immanus Hulcr amp; Cognato with a key to species (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Scolytinae: Xyleborini). Zootaxa 4585: 378-386.
and one additional species has since been described (Wang et al. 2020Wang et al. 2020:
Wang J, Smith SM, and Cognato AI. 2020. Immanus virago , a new species from Borneo (Coleoptera, Curculionidae: Scolytinae: Xyleborini). The Coleopterists Bulletin 74: 438-440.