
  Beaverium magnus ; R.K. Osborn

Beaverium magnus; R.K. Osborn

  Beaverium magnus ; R.K. Osborn

Beaverium magnus; R.K. Osborn

  Beaverium magnus ; R.K. Osborn

Beaverium magnus; R.K. Osborn

  Beaverium magnus ; R.K. Osborn

Beaverium magnus; R.K. Osborn

  Beaverium lantanae ; R.K. Osborn

Beaverium lantanae; R.K. Osborn


Beaverium Hulcr and Cognato, 2009: 25.


Large and robust species, 4.1−5.6 mm long, 2.2−2.55 times as long as wide. Beaverium can be distinguished by the elytralelytral:
pertaining to the elytra
downward slope of either the pronotum or elytra
distinctly flattened and posterolaterally broadened; posterolateral declivitaldeclivital:
pertaining to the elytral declivity
elevated ridge that is rounded at its crest, not necessarily with sharp appearance
terminating at interstriaeinterstria:
longitudinal spaces along the elytra between the striae, which is not as<br /> impressed and bear smaller punctures.
5; pronotal discdisc:
the flat central upper surface of any body part (e.g. pronotum and elytra)
punctate; pronotum anterioranterior:
the front or forward; opposite of posterior
margin with continuously elevated carinacarina:
an elevated ridge or keel, not necessarily high or acute
; scutellum flat, flush with elytra; mycangial tufts absent; and procoxae contiguous.

May be confused with

Ambrosiodmus, Terminalinus, and Immanus


throughout mostly tropical regions of Asia, Australasia, and Oceania

Gallery system

This appears to have been described only in B. insulindicus (Eggers), a species not found in the study region. Based on observations in Fiji, Roberts (1977) notes a short radial gallery, penetrating 2–4 cm, with several longitudinal galleries parallel to the stem axis, all in the same plane, and without enlarged brood chambers.