About this tool
Several institutions and their staff members were instrumental in allowing me to photograph and collect palms. They are listed below with my sincere thanks.
For questions about website access or functionality, please contact ITP (itp@usda.gov).
Montgomery Botanical Center
- Dr. Larry Noblick, Palm Biologist
- Dr. M. Patrick Griffith, Executive Director
- Arantza Strader, Collections Database Supervisor
- Lee Anderson, Superintendent
- Tracy Magellan, Volunteer Coordinator
Fairchild Tropical Botanical Garden
- Dr. Carl E. Lewis, Director
- Lynka Woodbury, Herbarium Curator
- Marilyn Griffiths, Plant Records
- Christie Jones Leiva, Horticultural Supervisor
- Mary Collins, Senior Horticulturist
- Arlene Ferris, Director of Volunteer Services
The Huntington Botanical Gardens
- Kathy Musial, Curator, Living Collections and Collections Manager
- Shadi Shihab, Curator, Floristic Gardens
- Sean Lahmeyer, Plant Conservation Specialist
- Dr. Paul Meyers, Associate Curator of the Herbarium
- Cynthia Dickey, Administrative Assistant
The Arboretum of Los Angeles County
- Jim Henrich, Living Collections Curator
Fullerton Arboretum
- Chris Barnhill, Living Collections Curator
Quail Botanical Gardens (now San Diego Botanical Garden)
- Jeremy Spathe, Horticulturalist
- Dave Ehrlinger, Director of Horticulture
Jungle Music Nursery
- Phil Bergman
I appreciate the use of images generously provided by the following institutions and photographers:
- Fairchild Tropical Botanical Garden, Guide to Palms
- Montgomery Botanical Center
- Starr Images, Forrest & Kim Starr
I would like to acknowledge the generosity of the following individuals who offered their expertise and encouragement to me and the project.
- Dr. Jack Fisher, Fairchild Tropical Botanical Garden, retired
- Dr. Gerald "Stinger" Guala, Director of Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS), USDA
- Dr. Andrew Henderson, New York Botanical Garden
- Don Hodel, Los Angeles County Extension Office
- Dr. Alan W. Meerow, USDA-ARS
- Dr. Scott Mori, New York Botanical Garden
- Dr. Scott Zona, Florida International University
Several of my colleagues at DPI made it possible for me to work on this project and helped review the identification tool.
- Dr. Richard E. Weaver
- Dr. W.C. "Cal" Welbourn
- Dr. Greg Hodges
- Lou Lodyga
- Jake Farnum
Technical assistance was provided by the following DPI staff members:
- Scott Weinberg, website developer
- Katy Shepard, artist/illustrator
The project was funded in part by USDA APHIS PPQ CPHST and inspired by the staff members listed below.
- Terrence Walters
- Julia Scher
- Amanda Redford