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Brahea armata

Brahea armata immature yellow fruit

Brahea armata

Brahea armata seed. Photograph courtesy of Mariana P. Beckman, DPI

Brahea armata

Brahea armata wooly hairs and marginal teeth on petiole of young palm

Brahea armata

Brahea armata wooly hairs and marginal teeth on petiole (mm scale)

Butia odorata

Butia odorata young individual in the landscape with persistent leaf bases and twisted, arching leaves

Butia odorata

Butia odorata with persistent leaf bases

Butia odorata

Butia odorata older individual in the landscape with smoother stem and leaf scars rings

Butia odorata

Butia odorata stem with leaf scars

Butia odorata

Butia odorata arching leaf, inflorescence and fruit

Butia odorata

Butia odorata leaflet with ramenta visible on the underside

Butia odorata

Butia odorata leaflet with ramenta visible on the underside (closer view)

Caryota maxima

Caryota maxima leaf scar rings and falling leaf sheaths

Caryota maxima

Caryota maxima fibers at base of leaf

Caryota maxima

Caryota maxima fibers and tomentum at base of leaf