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Bactris gasipaes

Bactris gasipaes abaxial leaf rachis with tomentum

Bactris gasipaes

Bactris gasipaes abaxial leaflet tips (Note: apical leaflets wider than other leaflets)

Bismarckia nobilis

Bismarckia nobilis fruit (above) and seed (below). Photograph courtesy of Mariana P. Beckman, DPI

Brahea armata

Brahea armata young palm in landscape

Brahea armata

Brahea armata mature palm in landscape (with multiple inflorescences)

Brahea armata

Brahea armata mature palm in landscape with marcescent leaves

Brahea armata

Brahea armata stem of young palm (close view)

Brahea armata

Brahea armata stem of mature palm (close view)

Brahea armata

Brahea armata fibers of leaf sheath and marginal teeth along petiole

Brahea armata

Brahea armata abaxial leaf costa and marginal teeth on petiole

Brahea armata

Brahea armata adaxial hastula and marginal teeth on petiole. Photograph courtesy of Mariana P. Beckman, DPI

Brahea armata

Brahea armata mature palm leaf and flowers

Brahea armata

Brahea armata mature palm with fruit